Hey all, just thought i would share my new routine and get some feedback. me and my dad came up with this routine for arm specialization. ive always been and old school advocate when it comes to training. more reps more sets big weight and huge pumps. so far it has worked really well for me. just recently i started using modified hit workouts to try and throw my body off and ive noticed some great gains. so over the next 6-8 weeks i plan on using both. so here it is , I would love feedback.
day 1-
4 sets pulldown wide bar
5 sets wide grip pull up( weighted)
superset with
5 sets straight arm pulls
4 sets t bar row
4 sets cable pulley row
lateral delt (hit)
dumbell lateral raise
2 warm up sets
2 working sets
usually after this I would have a full bicep workout, instead I will use HIT and do one bicep exercise for 3-4 sets with as much weight and as many strict reps I can squeeze out. Every week I will alternate this one exercise depending on what my arms need.
day 2-
Warmng up chest is essential because I have had many problems with my minor on both sides.
Warm up-
3-4 sets cable fly
2-4 sets hammer strength press
band work/ stretch
working sets-
5-7 ses bench press
3-4 sets flat bench dumbbell presses
3-4 sets dumbbell incline
2-4 sets incline fly
Front delt-
5-6 sets Hammer strength or dumbbell seated press( hit)
Triceps would usually have a full workout but like I said I will only do one exercise as heavy as I can and put max strain on the muscle.
day 3-
This is where the arm growth theory kicks in. ive always heard that you should work whatever you want to grow right after legs, so that?s exactly what im doing. By no means am I skipping out on legs, im working them hard heavy and supersetting almost every exercise I do.
6 sets no weight calf raises
8 set pyramid weighted calf raises
6 sets Leg extension
superset with
6 sets leg curl
6 sets leg press
superset with
6 sets smith machine squat
4 sets hack squat( finish off)
take a break, drink some protein, creatine, and aminos.
After legs are good an tight I start with 21?s either ez bar or one arm preacher curls.
My biceps will be tight so I then move to tricep pressdowns for 5 sets or until my triceps have some good blood in them
Depending on how my bis feel I will either blast them or do another tricep exercise, this one for bulk using super heavy weights. I will either do 2 arm French press, skulls, or overhead cables.
Next bicep is either heavy incline negative curls or heavy hammer curls.
I usually do 4 tricep movements and then supersets with concentration curls and pressdowns at the end of my workout for a huge pump. Then its over.
on the fourth day i take a rest day and then start the cycle over i usually dont do three on one off because i hate the time away but overtraining is a real problem for me.
day 1-
4 sets pulldown wide bar
5 sets wide grip pull up( weighted)
superset with
5 sets straight arm pulls
4 sets t bar row
4 sets cable pulley row
lateral delt (hit)
dumbell lateral raise
2 warm up sets
2 working sets
usually after this I would have a full bicep workout, instead I will use HIT and do one bicep exercise for 3-4 sets with as much weight and as many strict reps I can squeeze out. Every week I will alternate this one exercise depending on what my arms need.
day 2-
Warmng up chest is essential because I have had many problems with my minor on both sides.
Warm up-
3-4 sets cable fly
2-4 sets hammer strength press
band work/ stretch
working sets-
5-7 ses bench press
3-4 sets flat bench dumbbell presses
3-4 sets dumbbell incline
2-4 sets incline fly
Front delt-
5-6 sets Hammer strength or dumbbell seated press( hit)
Triceps would usually have a full workout but like I said I will only do one exercise as heavy as I can and put max strain on the muscle.
day 3-
This is where the arm growth theory kicks in. ive always heard that you should work whatever you want to grow right after legs, so that?s exactly what im doing. By no means am I skipping out on legs, im working them hard heavy and supersetting almost every exercise I do.
6 sets no weight calf raises
8 set pyramid weighted calf raises
6 sets Leg extension
superset with
6 sets leg curl
6 sets leg press
superset with
6 sets smith machine squat
4 sets hack squat( finish off)
take a break, drink some protein, creatine, and aminos.
After legs are good an tight I start with 21?s either ez bar or one arm preacher curls.
My biceps will be tight so I then move to tricep pressdowns for 5 sets or until my triceps have some good blood in them
Depending on how my bis feel I will either blast them or do another tricep exercise, this one for bulk using super heavy weights. I will either do 2 arm French press, skulls, or overhead cables.
Next bicep is either heavy incline negative curls or heavy hammer curls.
I usually do 4 tricep movements and then supersets with concentration curls and pressdowns at the end of my workout for a huge pump. Then its over.
on the fourth day i take a rest day and then start the cycle over i usually dont do three on one off because i hate the time away but overtraining is a real problem for me.