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Here is the workout i promised

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  • Here is the workout i promised

    This is to be performed once a week, you should do your heavy workout on other days. When doing this workout rest a day between sessions.

    You shou perform each exercises in sequence. Resting as directed between sets until all sets are completed. Do the reps at specified speed. Weights should be 20-25% lighter then normal.
    Lets began.


    Sets:3 Reps:12 each side.
    Lie flat on bench a dumbell in each hand. Take 3 seconds press one weight up and do the same for other. Lower the first arm while keeping the other lockout. Complete set and rest 10 seconds, then go to goblet split squat.


    Sets: 3 Reps: 15 each side
    Hold dumbell in both hands, with your palms around the sides of one of the bells ends, not the handel. been one knee and rest the top of the foot on a bench behind you, so you are supported on one leg. Lower your body down all the way, then 3-2 seconds to come back up. complete set, rest 10 seconds then go to bent over lateral raises.


    SET 3 REPS 8
    bEND OVER THE HIPS SO YOUR TORSO IS ABOUT PARALLED TO THE FLOOR, (KEEP LOWER BACK ARCHED). tAKE 3-2 seconds to raise the weightsout 90 degrees to your side. complete the set and rest 45 seconds and then repeat circuit. after 3 circuits, rest 90 seconds then move onto the roating dumbell rows


    bend the hips until your torso is about 30 degrees to the floor(keep lower back arched). Hold dumbells with palm facing your legs and then rotate your hand outwards. As you row them to your side. Your palm will face forward in the top postion. Take 3 seconds to do the row. Complete set and rest for 20 seconds, the go to dumbell romaman deadlifts:

    Sets:3 Reps:15

    rest the weight on front of thighs. Keeping your lower backin natural arch, bend your hips back and then your knees, keeping weight closeto your legs. Continue to your about to lose the arch then take 4seconds to come back up. Complete set rest 20 seconds, then go to lumber jack press.


    Hold barbell lengthwise in the center with hand over grip. Just above your right shoulder. Take 3 seconds to press the bar up and over your head, then lower to left shoulder. Complete set and rest 75 seconds, then repeat circuit. After 3 circuits rest 60 seconds and then go to the garhammer raise.


    Lie on back raise legs in the air Take 2 seconds to raise your hips off the floor and into air. (range of motion is very short) Do not let your lower back come up. compelete the set then go to goblet squat without rest.

    GOBLET Squat:

    sets 2 reps 10
    Hold dumbell as you did the goblet squat. But stand with feet about shoulder width apart. Squat low as you can, take 4 seconds to come up. Complete the set therepeat the carhammer raise without rest.

    Good luck mates

  • #2
    Have to try this I like training out of the box


    • #3
      Gonna give it a try. I see pain in my future!


      • #4
        Post feed back if you can guys. Thanks...

