There is good pain and bad pain. Bad pain is when you hear something tear and then your black and blue from head to toe! This thread is about good pain. When you workout your body is using glycogen for energy, (which means your stored carbohydrate). The glycogen is broken down into different compounds, which includes pyruvate, which turns into hydrogen ions, which is the big part of the burn, this process creates lactic acid in the muscles. Keep in mind the more lactic acid present the more growth hormone is release. Remember GH causes muscle to grow and uses fat for fuel. a way of during this, is to do long sets and make your rest time shorter.
If you do your sets at a short speed on the upward movement of each rep and do lighter reps, you will experience this muscle growth. If you do this type of training once a week and do your heavy workouts on other days and rest a day between sessions. you will love this . All you need is about 35-40 mins. If anyone don't understand I will add to this thread and break it down. Just give me a show of hands of interested parties.
If you do your sets at a short speed on the upward movement of each rep and do lighter reps, you will experience this muscle growth. If you do this type of training once a week and do your heavy workouts on other days and rest a day between sessions. you will love this . All you need is about 35-40 mins. If anyone don't understand I will add to this thread and break it down. Just give me a show of hands of interested parties.