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Jump Squats For Explosive Testosterone Boost

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  • Jump Squats For Explosive Testosterone Boost

    Jump Squats For Explosive Testosterone Boost
    Posted by: Iron Man Magazine

    Adding a power move to the end of a leg workout is great way to boost testosterone concentrations in an effort to improve muscle size. Sports scientists at AUT University in New Zealand put a group of athletes through several different squat protocols and then measured the post-workout testosterone levels of their saliva. They found that a combination of low-rep heavy-load squats (three-rep max) followed by three sets of three explosive jump squats, using 50 percent of their one-rep maximum, provided the greatest enhancement in the anabolic hormones that lead to muscle gain. Adding power exercises (explosive movements in which the load is moved quickly) is also a great way to stimulate type II muscle fibers, which have high potential for growth.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I REGULARLY incorporate jumping squats into my leg workouts as you can see by my log.I love them in fact.Fantastic was to workout the entire leg while getting in a fantastic cardio workout as well.

  • #2
    Would be way too much loading on my spine upon landing from the jump. I give you guys a lot of credit for doing them!


    • #3
      Have you had a back injury John B?


      • #4
        I've strained it multiple times, but no real mechanical injury (knocking on wood here). I get little twinges sometimes - primarily on squats and rows - that I interpret as warning signs telling me to back off that exercise. Doesn't happen all the time, but I go lighter on those exercises. After all, I'm no spring chicken anymore, lol.


        • #5
          I don't believe in jump squats. They put too must stress on the tendons and ligaments around the knee.


          • #6
            I have to disagree with you on that one Beachbody.If done properly and with properly warming up the knees,they're no more detrimental to the knees than ultra heavy squats,which over the yrs can and do,definitely take a toll on your body.

            Ive used them for many yrs and found no problems what so ever.But everyone is different and what works and is helpful or harmful to one, can be the exact opposite for the next guy/gal.So always do what works best for you, but with that said,its always trial and error and you have to make that call based on that personal research over time.

