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How to Be An Old School Bodybuilder!!

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  • How to Be An Old School Bodybuilder!!

    How to Be An Old School Bodybuilder!!
    August 12, 2015 By John Doe

    What is old school bodybuilding?

    Old school bodybuilding isn’t fancy and it isn’t complicated. It’s the meat and potatoes of building muscle and cutting up.

    Old school bodybuilding isn’t all about drugs as it is about DISCIPLINE!!

    Old school is what built your body from the ground up to begin with, and if you stick to the old school mentality then you can have one hell of a body that almost ANY MAN would want, and ALMOST ANY WOMAN would admire.

    Old school muscle isn’t loading up on thermogenics to lose fat; it’s dieting your ass off!!

    I’m seeing all of these guys nowadays trying to use every fat loss agent they can get their hands on, and STILL CAN’T GET AS SHREDDED AS GUYS FROM OVER 40 YEARS AGO!!

    I think somewhere along the way we lost discipline and life has pampered us and catered to a new breed of pussies just a little too much. I refuse to fall victim!!

    Old school bodybuilding is about enjoyment and being proud of your hard work, not totally miserable and walking around covered up all the time.

    What the hell sense does it make to stay covered up all the time?

    If you don’t like people looking at you then stop bodybuilding!!

    If you’re sick of people viewing you as nothing more than a zoo exhibit or a spectacle, then get something going for yourself and have something else to talk about other than your body.

    You’d be awfully surprised at how people will open up to you when you actually ask them about THEIR LIVES!!

    The next time you say to someone “Hey, how you doing?” stand there and actually wait for a fucking answer!!

    Old school is about helping people, not walking around with a chip on your shoulder.

    Old school is about whatever it takes to get the job done, even if that means only using a 20 lb dumbbell because you get a better squeeze than a heavy one you cannot handle with good form.

    Old school isn’t about knocking someone down in the gym, or laughing at a beginner.

    It’s about showing them the ropes and HELPING THEM OUT.

    If you walked into a computer lab and knew nothing about working on PC’s, wouldn’t you appreciate someone who took their time to show you something really quick?

    Old school bodybuilding is about doing what you need to get done in the gym and not neglecting your family 24/7.

    It’s about your son or daughter being proud of their Dad because he isn’t like the rest of their peers fat fuck parents with no humor, motivation, or excitement in their lives.

    It’s about having a day of the week where you can stray off the diet and go eat out and enjoy the scenery. I have a couple of my “hot spots” I frequent here in town, and it’s a nice change to sit outside and relax sometimes over lunch.

    Old school isn’t your outfit and your matching headband, and it isn’t bitching sessions to anyone who will listen to you. If you aren’t in the gym to get progress and kill it, then there is no place for you around me.

    There are ways to be friendly and shake hands, but then get to the workout!!

    Think of all of the conveniences we have in life that never existed in the Golden era.

    For God Sakes, how many guys had to walk around with their own 16 oz bottle of water back then?

    The drinking fountain was good enough for them and I highly doubt they preached 2 gallons of water per day to everyone near showtime. Yes, I’m sure they consumed more, but probably not as OBSESSIVELY.

    Everything nowadays has to be just right for everyone.

    Most people can’t even get their ass to a gym for a complete bullshit reason.

    It’s a cop-out!! They’ll tell you they’re tired, so is everyone else.

    I have no time for excuses and that little voice in my head saying “Hey, maybe you’re just being a pussy” yells just a little bit louder to me than most people!!

    The time for weakness is when you sleep. It’s when you relax AFTER THE WORK IS DONE!!

    Pain is pleasure to me. Physical pain through hard work that promotes progress is the perfect release for mental pain.

    I deal a lot with clients who suffer from PTSD. You can go to a Doctor all you want, you can talk and cry and get things off your chest.

    But the problem is you cannot get those images out of your mind and shortly after you defuse at the Doctor’s office guess what? It builds back up, again and again.

    If PTSD is you, get your ass into the gym.

    The gym understands your pain, and whatever pain it brings on you then push it back harder to release all that built up shit you have on the regular.

    I don’t care what “educated professional” you speak to, unless they’ve ever had an IED go off near them or had an RPG fly off 2 foot in front of their face, or had to shoot a kid with a bunch of C-4 on a belt, then I highly doubt they can relate to you.

    “Tell you what Brian, here are some pills that are going to kill your sex drive and make you fat, and I’d like to see you back in here next week to cry to me some more.”

    Gentleman, to that I say fuck all!! I’d rather juice my mind out and destroy shit in the gym to defuse than cry to some Doc who could give a shit about me, but that’s just me anyway’s.

    The gyms now may be flashy, but your mentality doesn’t have to conform. So I say get down and dirty and do it right.

    Old school is about whatever it takes and doing the best you can on whatever you have.

    With old school bodybuilding, pieces start to fall into place.

    There isn’t as much to figure out; you eat healthy, plentiful at times, and just lift!!

    Until next time, train hard!!

  • #2
    Love it!!!!!



    • #3
      I was born about 50 years to late. my generation is weak


      • #4
        This IS my generation.LOL.

