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“All-Out Arm Assault”

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  • “All-Out Arm Assault”

    Here’s an “All-Out Arm Assault” workout that includes each of these 3 key elements…

    A1: Barbell Curls

    8 sets x 8 reps – 15 seconds rest between sets (Old School Vince Gironda Style baby!)

    How you grip the bar will make a difference. If the inside aspect of your biceps (medial head) is well developed, but you lack size on the outside (lateral head), I recommend that you use a narrow grip.

    This isn’t just “bro-talk”… MRI studies reveal that a narrow grip places more emphasis on both heads of the biceps and the brachialis compared to a wide grip.

    Begin the workout by performing 8 sets of 8 for the Barbell Curls. Selecting an appropriate weight is a bit of a trial and error for the first week. You will need to reduce the weight a fair amount in order to get through all 8 sets with such little rest.

    It’s important that you use the same weight for every set. The first 4 sets will feel pretty easy. By the 5th and 6th sets you should be starting to feel fatigued. The 7th and 8th set should be absolutely killer.

    The goal is to complete the 8th rep of the 8th set and have nothing left in the tank to perform a 9th rep. If you can perform more than 8 reps on the 8th set, you’ll need to increase the weight for the next workout. If you fall just short of the 8th rep on the 8th set, you can keep the same weight, but try to progress and complete all 8 reps of the 8 sets during the next workout. If you are completely fried before starting the 8th set and need a longer rest, you’ll need to reduce the weight for the next workout. Like I said, it’s a bit of trial and error this first week.

    8×8’s are incredible for hypertrophy!

    B1: Decline Lying Triceps Extension aka Skull Crushers
    8 sets x 8 reps – 15 seconds rest between sets

    This could very well be the best triceps exercise you ever perform. EMG studies prove it! You will get a lot of medial and lateral head activation with this exercise as well as some long head activation.

    C1: Preacher Curls – using an EZ Curl Bar

    3 sets x 6 reps – 90 seconds rest between sets.

    The Preacher Curl will target the medial head of your biceps and with the EZ Curl Bar you will activate the brachialis muscle too. The lower rep range will hit your muscles on a neurological level.

    D1: Close Grip Bench Press

    3 sets x 4-6 reps – 90 seconds rest between sets.

    The Close Grip Bench Press is great mass building exercise for the triceps.

    E1: Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl (neutral grip)

    4 sets x 8-12 reps – Dropsets with 0 rest between sets.

    The Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl using a neutral grip is one of the best exercises for working both heads of the biceps as well as the brachialis.

    When performed in a drop set you will stimulate muscle fibers deep down that are rarely touched. Select a weight that you can perform 8 reps with.

    Reduce the weight and immediately perform another set of 8 reps. For the next drop in weight aim for 10 reps and the final drop aim for 12 reps.

    F1: 1 Arm Reverse Triceps Extension

    4 sets x 8-12 reps – Dropsets with 0 rest between sets.

    Performed with your palms facing up, this exercise will completely fry your triceps. Do all 4 sets on one arm before moving to the next arm.

    G1: Reverse Biceps Curls

    G2: Rope Triceps Pressdown

    3 supersets x 10-15 reps – 0 rest between exercises, 60 seconds rest between sets.

    I should offer up a warning… this workout is advanced and will absolutely annihilate your arms. You will feel a pump and burn like never before. If your goal is training for looks, the effort that you put into this arm workout will be well worth it.

    Be sure to hit me up after you perform the workout. I can’t wait to hear about your experience.

    Sculpt a Masterpiece, Scott Tousignant