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Can someone help me with this?

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  • Can someone help me with this?

    Hello everyone! I wanted to share my feelings, I am currently in the process of applying for an MBA program and I am beginning to feel a little anxious. I have put a lot of effort into my essays. However, the essays get completed and I feel that they do not suffice enough to help me stand out. A coworker of mine applied to the same school last year and was unable to enroll to his preferred institution, so I am a bit concerned that it might also happen to me. I mean, I have the work history, but I am not sure how well I am expressing my work history in the personal statement. Anyone else experienced anything like this? How do you ensure that your essay reflects your personality?

  • #2
    Oh man, I was exactly where you are a few months ago. It’s so easy to second-guess yourself when the stakes are high. One thing that really helped me was getting my essay reviewed by someone who knows what the admissions committee is looking for. Sometimes we just don’t realize what’s not clear or what could be said better. I ended up using and they really helped me tighten up my writing. They didn’t change my story but made sure it came across more impactful, and I felt way more secure about submitting it. Maybe give that a shot?


    • #3
      I can totally understand the nerves around getting an application ready. Even though I haven’t applied to an MBA program, I’ve had similar stress when putting together applications for other things. What worked for me was taking a step back and reading it out loud after a break. It’s crazy how many little things you catch when you’ve got some distance from it. And yeah, sometimes getting feedback from a friend or family member who isn’t familiar with all the details can really help too.

