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First real cycle planned out, got some questions.

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  • First real cycle planned out, got some questions.

    So I decided to get my feet wet and fully go to the dark side after using PHs and on off for years and a random D-bol cycle

    I planned my cycle as fallows

    Week 1-2 GP Test Enanth 250 at 250mg/week
    Week 3-10 GP Test Enanth 250 at 500mg/week
    Week 4-10 GP Anastrozole .5 mg per day

    Week 1-4 40mg of Nolvadex
    Week 1-4 GP Anastrozole 1 mg per day
    week 1-4 natural test booster

    Now my questions are;

    If the websites lists 1 vial (10ml/vial (250 mg/ml)) per quantity, I lead to believe that you can inject 250mg per injection 10 times.

    So on Day 1 I can fill the syringe 1 ml which will have 250mg of Test E and stash it away for 9 more injections. am I getting this right?

    So that means since my whole cycle will be 4000mg I would need to purchase just 2 vitals as its 2500mg per vital.

    Also hows that look for a first steroid cycle? I try to keep it as moderate as possible just to see how the sides are.

    I have used Superdrol, Epistane, Havoc, DMZ and some other stuff for PHs. I did a D-bol cycle in 2009, was off the fly just D-bol at 40mg a day for 6 weeks or so. I did get puffy and sore nipples that mostly went away during PCT and after water retention was gone and bloating they went fully away.

  • #2
    First you should just run the Test E for 10-12 weeks at 500 mgs per week. Don't waste your time with 250 mgs for the first two weeks. Other than that everything else looks ok. You might want to try .5 mgs of Anastrozole twice a week beginning on week one just to be safe. You will get about 5 weeks per bottle at 500 mgs per week. The last shot in each bottle will be a little less due to the fact you lose a little each shot but no big deal.


    • #3
      This is what I would have you do if you have purchased all ready, if not, I would change the Enathate to Cypionate. Most guys, including myself have better results with the Cypionate.

      Week 1-12 GP Test Enanth (Cypionate) 250 at 500mg/week divided into two injections, Like a Monday Thursday split
      Week 1-12 GP Anastrozole .5 mg every other day, see how your sides are and adjust as needed.

      PCT, started two weeks after your last injection.
      Week 1 40mg of Nolvadex daily
      Week 2 30mg of Nolvadex daily
      Week 3 20mg of Nolvadex daily
      Week 4 20mg of Nolvadex daily
      Week 1-4 natural test booster If needed????
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      • #4
        MrBig nailed it. Thats a perfect 1st cycle

