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post cycle therapy and days off from while on a cycle

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  • post cycle therapy and days off from while on a cycle


    Hoping to gather info on proper PCT. I will be on my first ever cycle soon and would like to take precautions. my question is.... DURING the cycle do I supplement for my liver protection ill be using Iron labs cycle support, Also do I start an estrogen supplement JUST before im done with the cycle or right after ?

    I havent seen any questions and or comments on DAYS OFF from the gym while on a cycle, do I stay current with the cycle and take my shot etc... I will be working in the gym monday, tuesday, wed-off-rest day thursday , friday - light cardio on saturday and sundays..


  • #2
    What r u running for a cycle


    • #3
      I'm sure ill get some flack for my choice , but Its my decision and this being my first ever cycle I decided to go in easy and see how my body reacts. I will be taking 50mg of Anavar. If my body reacts well I planned on introducing some Test after the first week for the remainder of the 7 week cycle. I picked up some cycle support from Iron Labs and also extreme pct from Iron labs. They had some good reviews. Im wondering at what point of the cycle do I start taking the cycle support ?

      about me:
      Im 47 5'10' 240.
      Ive been lifting for 2 years and I'm tired of seeing my gains disappear.
      Also I could use the help in cutting up a little.


      • #4
        I'm sure ill get some flack for my choice , but Its my decision and this being my first ever cycle I decided to go in easy and see how my body reacts. I will be taking 50mg of Anavar. If my body reacts well I planned on introducing some Test after the first week for the remainder of the 7 week cycle. I picked up some cycle support from Iron Labs and also extreme pct from Iron labs. They had some good reviews. Im wondering at what point of the cycle do I start taking the cycle support ?

        about me:
        Im 47 5'10' 240.
        Ive been lifting for 2 years and I'm tired of seeing my gains disappear.
        Also I could use the help in cutting up a little.


        • #5
          Usually first cycle is just test 500 MG's a week if u still want to run the anavar u can but u need test to go with it or it will shut u down u should run test 2 weeks longer than any other compounds this is what I would do run 500mgs of test enan for 10 weeks run the var weeks 2-8 and use arimidex at .5 EOD this would b a real simple cycle and for ur pct don't start it until 2 weeks after ur last test shot good luck


          • #6
            500mgs is a typical starting point.
            Click On The Link Below Before You Place Your Order!


