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A difficult question

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  • A difficult question

    I used to do a lot of weight training when I was young. I was a Judoka. Life passed on and I had to give up both and eventually I got FAT!

    On 1St October 2013, I weighted 137 kgs. I am 1.95 m tall. I started weight training again at our local gym, and in spite of starting to take Creatine (which added another 5 kgs). I got down to 100 kgs in 6 months, carefully controlling my calories and pushing weights to failure 4 times per week.

    When I got to 100 kgs, I started on a weight gaining diet. My lifts increased a lot, for example, when I started, I could only move 95 kgs on the 45degree leg press, now I'm up to 275 kgs. My bench press has gone from a puny 35 kgs to a not very good 80 kgs.

    I only take creatine 3 gms daily. My problem is that I had a torn meniscus in my left knee, which is much better, but it's still there. I also have a dodgy shoulder, I think it's shoulder impingement, which prevents me from doing squat.

    I've read that Deca Durabolin, can strengthen joints, improve bone density and help with injuries. I discussed this with my doctor and he agreed, but he wasn't able to give me a prescription, because it's a 'banned substance'

    Basically, I've been advised to take 200 mg per week for 8 to 10 weeks. I have no problems with injecting, I can obviously got hold of Deca, but there is a problem!

    I am 73 years old. No that's not a typo. My hair is still brown and past my shoulders. I still have my own teeth and apart from these nagging joint injuries,I'm very fit and healthy. I've read that Deca, stops normal testosterone to be frank, I haven't had a decent erection in a couple of years, and Viagra just gives me a headache!

    I had a blood work up and my Testosterone is 15.47.

    Should I take testosterone with the Deca? I've heard that testosterone leads to hair loss and prostate problems. I can do without both!

    I've also read that one can grow boobs with Deca and that one should also take Novladex or cipro.

    I guess there aren't an awful lot of silly old bastards like me exploring this avenue, but any real and sensible suggestions would be welcome.

    The PRIMARY reason for the Deca is medical, but I have no objections to being able to push more weight, but I'm certainly not planning to stay on Deca or anything else once I've got past the joint trial.

    I look forward to some suggestions.

  • #2
    Wow, I can't help but chime in here. It seems you've done a fair amount of research and that's the first step.

    To start, yes deca alone will drive your natural testosterone into the dirt, but it appears yours is already in the dirt...

    I've read where testosterone and deca and every other steroid can cause hair loss. The conclusion i've came to from reading is that it depends on the person. If you haven't started losing hair at 73 you probably don't have to worry about it. I'm 28 and have major thinning up top, so gear did my hair no favors.

    As far as the prostate problem goes, high levels of testosterone have been tied to prostate problems. But in your case where your levels are pratically zero, a shot of 100mg test cyp a week would do you wonders without worry of prostate worries. Take 100mg Test per week for 3 or so weeks and go get a blood test right before your next shot to see where your levels are at. You can adjust from there. The blood work will also tell you your estrogen levels and you will see if you need an AI such as arimidex. At 100mg a week i doubt you would need it tho.

    I suggest starting testosterone right away. cycle your deca as you wish but stay on testosterone until you take a dirt nap. it'll make your remaining years much better.

    of course, i'm no doctor and all this is just my opinion. good luck!


    • #3
      Seems there are quit a few different Testosterone. From what I read testosterone Enanthate seems to be the best and causes less problems. Is this correct?


      • #4
        I personally run test e. But most people prefer test c. Test c would be slightly better for once a week injections as its half life is a tad longer.


        • #5
          Thanks for that. I'm going to take your advice. What do you think a reasonable testosterone amount on a blood work up would be. I might be old in body, but one is as old as one feels, so I'm really only 25!


          • #6
            I think you should take HGH with some long depot testo like enathate.Hgh good for the joints,what I know, and have many other good effect like better sleep or quicker regeneration time.You can shoot easily 250mg testo enathate weekly or every 10 days lifelong.If you need take some anti-e with,but I think at this dosage wouldn't need any,if perhaps yes, try to choose the lightest serm like nolva,not a harsh AI like arimidex.
            That is my opinion
            Good luck old frien,you're very persistent which is good.


            • #7
              I sent my blood analysis results to a doctor I used to use when I was younger. Obviously, he can't treat me because he is in a different country. He says the blood work which my current doctor has done was the worst he had ever seen as most of the vital things were missing. What he did comment on was the fact that my TSH is only 3.26 mg/dL. He says that every doctor who professes to be a doctor, should know that in 2003, the guidelines for hypothyroidism were reduced from 5 to 3, and that with the excess fat, tiredness and loss of libido should have told him that I am hypothyroid. He has advised me to run from this fool as fast as I can, demand a proper blood analysis and make sure that my thyroid is treated before taking anything else.

