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T500 from Hardcore labs SEVERE PAIN!!

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  • T500 from Hardcore labs SEVERE PAIN!!

    Hey everyone, i recently injected T500 from Hardcore labs and i have had severe pain in the injection site for the last 3 days. The area actually became swollen, hard, and warm. I even developed a fever about 12 hrs later. I did clean the site and vial prior to injection and i used a fresh needle, so i can't imagine that it is an infection from any dirty products. The 2 things that concern me are:

    1: I used a diabetic needle with a 5/8" needle, which now i know is too short to go IM
    2: I also heard that this type of blend might be too strong for 1 site injection. Should I be splitting it into 2 injections? I've also heard of cutting it with grape seed oil.

    Any advice would be great!!!!!! Thank you

  • #2
    It's probably to potent of stuff or u could be allergic to the oil used.


    • #3
      I have gotten infections from getting my Test Cyp. shot at the DOCTORS office. Its possible that you might have an infection. I wouldn't wait too long to see what happens. go to E.R. before too long


      • #4
        U could of hit a vein when u injected or u have real potent gear the stronger the gear is the more pain u get give it time it will go away massage it and put heat on it


        • #5
          Another thing u might wanna try is heat up ur gear before u inject take a cup of hot water and put the vial in it this also will help good luck bro


          • #6
            Fever = Infection. I would get it checked out. Also, you didn't get it deep enough. I don't even know how you got it out of that slin pin. Ass injection = 1-1/2" pin @ 23 to 25 gauge and all other sites can use 1" pin.
            Lucky rabbits are without their feet


            • #7
              Originally posted by Toastinloaf View Post
              Fever = Infection. I would get it checked out. Also, you didn't get it deep enough. I don't even know how you got it out of that slin pin. Ass injection = 1-1/2" pin @ 23 to 25 gauge and all other sites can use 1" pin.
              Thanks for the replies guys! It definitely was an infection, but i also think it was because i went to shallow with the injection. I got some antibiotics and the swelling has gone down a little. I think i'm going to split it up into 2 250mg shots from here on and see how that works. I've never heard of warming the solution first but ill try that too!!


              • #8
                Actually such a strong dose is mostly only tolerated by advanced users. Your body develops a tolerance, just as with many compounds, coffee, alcohol, ephedrine, clenbuterol, etc.
                You can dilute the compound. I know some that use Test Prop and they like it. As said here, deep intra-muscular injection in the glute.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RonnyT
                  Actually such a strong dose is mostly only tolerated by advanced users. Your body develops a tolerance, just as with many compounds, coffee, alcohol, ephedrine, clenbuterol, etc.
                  You can dilute the compound. I know some that use Test Prop and they like it. As said here, deep intra-muscular injection in the glute.

                  Yea, i am figuring that out now. I would have thought that i could handle it, but i quickly found out that is not the case. This is only my 3rd cycle. I actually found a TON of other threads that stated the same problems. I bought the Grape seed oil USP yesterday and ill go 50/50 Mon/Thursday and see how that goes. I also heard of hitting a short run or the hot tub to help diffuse the product a little bit more into the muscle.


                  • #10

                    I think this will only increase your chance on an infection. You will need sterile human grade oil, spiked with 1-2 percent Benzyl Alcohol to be safe. It’s much better to use a low dosed Testosterone Propionate to cut your T 500.
                    As you can see in the graphic, a combination of different estrifications has a higher thus favorable level. This is called synergism. For those that don’t tolerate T-500, I created a milder compound for Hard Core Labs called SuperTest 300 mg/ml.

                    I know guys that pin a few milliliter T-500, even up to a full 5 ml syringe. One of them told me he could actually feel the compound working his body the next day. When I asked if he never had a depot irritation, he told me that in his opinion that was part of the game and that in fact he was lovin’ it.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RonnyT View Post
                      I think this will only increase your chance on an infection. You will need sterile human grade oil, spiked with 1-2 percent Benzyl Alcohol to be safe. It’s much better to use a low dosed Testosterone Propionate to cut your T 500.
                      As you can see in the graphic, a combination of different estrifications has a higher thus favorable level. This is called synergism. For those that don’t tolerate T-500, I created a milder compound for Hard Core Labs called SuperTest 300 mg/ml.

                      I know guys that pin a few milliliter T-500, even up to a full 5 ml syringe. One of them told me he could actually feel the compound working his body the next day. When I asked if he never had a depot irritation, he told me that in his opinion that was part of the game and that in fact he was lovin’ it.
                      So you don't think that just pinning .5 mg x2 a week would be acceptable? Or is it going to be the same result due to the ratio of test to oil?


                      • #12
                        You could try that. Or you could cut it with test prop. The reason why T-500 is so heavy dosed is cause heavy dosed compound yield better results.

                        Volume and Concentration

                        Steroids come in all shapes and sizes. In other words, you can find nandrolone (or Testosterone or boldenone) esters in 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml, 100 mg/ml, 200 mg/ml and so forth. Is a 400 mg injection using two milliliters of a 200 mg/ml oily solution the same as using four milliliters of a 100 mg/ml solution? After all, the net amount is still 400 mg, right? Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.

                        Steroid concentration in the solution greatly affects the dynamics and kinetics. In this study, some of the men received a 100 mg/ml injection of nandrolone decanoate and other men received a 100 mg injection using a 25 mg/ml solution (which means they received four milliliters, of course). Those that received the 100 mg/ml injection reached significantly higher (between 30% and 50%) plasma levels of nandrolone than those who got 100 mg via the 25 mg/ml solution. To top it off, the 100 mg/ml group’s plasma nandrolone level stayed elevated for a little bit longer; however, the length of suppression of endogenous Testosterone was almost identical.

                        What does this tell us? It tells us that if we want to maximize plasma levels of hormone (and thereby, maximize gains in lean muscle) we want to opt for the most concentrated version of whatever steroid(s) we decide we’re going to use. If we?re using Testosterone, we surely want to use a 200mg/ml enanthate over something like 100mg enanthate. If we’re using nandrolone, we want to use 300mg/ml stuff over 50mg/ml or 100mg/ml nandrolone decanoate made by others.
                        Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nandrolone Esters in Oil Vehicle: Effects of Ester, Injection Site and Injection Volume. Minto et all, JPET 281:93–102, 1997


                        • #13
                          You could try that. Or you could cut it with test prop. The reason why T-500 is so heavy dosed is cause heavy dosed compound yield better results.

                          Volume and Concentration

                          Steroids come in all shapes and sizes. In other words, you can find nandrolone (or Testosterone or boldenone) esters in 25 mg/ml, 50 mg/ml, 100 mg/ml, 200 mg/ml and so forth. Is a 400 mg injection using two milliliters of a 200 mg/ml oily solution the same as using four milliliters of a 100 mg/ml solution? After all, the net amount is still 400 mg, right? Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.

                          Steroid concentration in the solution greatly affects the dynamics and kinetics. In this study, some of the men received a 100 mg/ml injection of nandrolone decanoate and other men received a 100 mg injection using a 25 mg/ml solution (which means they received four milliliters, of course). Those that received the 100 mg/ml injection reached significantly higher (between 30% and 50%) plasma levels of nandrolone than those who got 100 mg via the 25 mg/ml solution. To top it off, the 100 mg/ml group’s plasma nandrolone level stayed elevated for a little bit longer; however, the length of suppression of endogenous Testosterone was almost identical.

                          What does this tell us? It tells us that if we want to maximize plasma levels of hormone (and thereby, maximize gains in lean muscle) we want to opt for the most concentrated version of whatever steroid(s) we decide we’re going to use. If we?re using Testosterone, we surely want to use a 200mg/ml enanthate over something like 100mg enanthate. If we’re using nandrolone, we want to use 300mg/ml stuff over 50mg/ml or 100mg/ml nandrolone decanoate made by others.
                          Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nandrolone Esters in Oil Vehicle: Effects of Ester, Injection Site and Injection Volume. Minto et all, JPET 281:93–102, 1997


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Themedic9641 View Post
                            Hey everyone, i recently injected T500 from Hardcore labs and i have had severe pain in the injection site for the last 3 days. The area actually became swollen, hard, and warm. I even developed a fever about 12 hrs later. I did clean the site and vial prior to injection and i used a fresh needle, so i can't imagine that it is an infection from any dirty products. The 2 things that concern me are:

                            1: I used a diabetic needle with a 5/8" needle, which now i know is too short to go IM
                            2: I also heard that this type of blend might be too strong for 1 site injection. Should I be splitting it into 2 injections? I've also heard of cutting it with grape seed oil.

                            Any advice would be great!!!!!! Thank you
                            I had a similar reaction to Sust270 pinned in my leg, the doctors said gravity "which sux" moved the oils down from my pin point to the top of my knee which in turn locked up my leg. It felt as you described, red swollen, tight and warm. I went to the emergency room and they took sample fluid from my knee to check on infection, just in case they prescribed me antibiotics which i took. I went back to my doc and he said it was a mild allergy to something in the oil which stiffened the muscle and there will be minor muscle scaring unless I start to grit my teeth and stretch it out.. So now I am stretching, taking anti-inflammatory and icing it daily, it has been 1 week and I am almost recovered.

                            I hope my story helps, upon testing new stuff I recommend pinning the glutius max if it swells and scars up for a little bit its not that bad and you will be able to tolerate it. "Learn from experience but share knowledge"

