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6' 350lbs near bottom of T4 levels but Dr. will not give Synth

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  • 6' 350lbs near bottom of T4 levels but Dr. will not give Synth

    Like the title says. I am 6' 350. My T4 was near bottom but Doc will not give Synthoid or Cytomel or Armour. I am not new to lifting and building. Been lifting since my early 20's. What would be the best way to drop lbs. besides hard work and great diet. What should I be using to drop fat and still build a little. At my best I was 205lbs with a 32" waist and 19.5" arms. I wanna get that back. And how long will I keep any muscle gains once off of whatever? Thanks for the help. Also I am 42 yrs old and Prescribed 200 mg test. cyp. a week.

  • #2
    I was 143 kgs, 1.95 m tall. I decided to get fit. I bought some software called Fitness Assistant. I weighed EVERYTHING to the nearest gram. I set the program for a 1500 calorie deficit per day. I went to the gym 3 times per week, Mon, Wed and Fri. I pushed myself to the MIT every time sets of 10 add weight, do as many as I could, add more weight etc., until total failure. I didn't do any cardio, because I tried it and my lifts went down. I on,y worked the big muscles, chest, back, legs, my lifts were dreadful. I struggled to bench 35 kgs!

    In 6 months, I got my weight down to 100 kgs. Still too much fat, but it was so skinny then, my wife told me that if I were a dog, the SPCA would have me put down and throw her in jail!

    I started a lean body mass gain cycle in May, and I've put on 5 kgs in 3 months. My lifts have gone up. I can now bench 80, but my testosterone is only 15. The only supplement I've taken until now is Creatine. I think it's time I hit the testosterone.

    I'm 73, so if I can lose 43 kgs in 6 months so can you, but if you don't keep 100% track of your calories and you energy use during workouts! you will battle. I make sure that eat 2gms per kg bodyweight of Protein. I don't worry about what makes up the balance. Just stay away from junk food. I live (still) on chicken breast, steamed fish, liver, steak and tinned Tuna. I make up the cals by Wholemeal bread, peanut butter and veggies.

    Good luck in your quest. You shouldn't need roids to lose weight.


    • #3
      I was 143 kgs, 1.95 m tall. I decided to get fit. I bought some software called Fitness Assistant. I weighed EVERYTHING to the nearest gram. I set the program for a 1500 calorie deficit per day. I went to the gym 3 times per week, Mon, Wed and Fri. I pushed myself to the MIT every time sets of 10 add weight, do as many as I could, add more weight etc., until total failure. I didn't do any cardio, because I tried it and my lifts went down. I on,y worked the big muscles, chest, back, legs, my lifts were dreadful. I struggled to bench 35 kgs!

      In 6 months, I got my weight down to 100 kgs. Still too much fat, but it was so skinny then, my wife told me that if I were a dog, the SPCA would have me put down and throw her in jail!

      I started a lean body mass gain cycle in May, and I've put on 5 kgs in 3 months. My lifts have gone up. I can now bench 80, but my testosterone is only 15. The only supplement I've taken until now is Creatine. I think it's time I hit the testosterone.

      I'm 73, so if I can lose 43 kgs in 6 months so can you, but if you don't keep 100% track of your calories and you energy use during workouts! you will battle. I make sure that eat 2gms per kg bodyweight of Protein. I don't worry about what makes up the balance. Just stay away from junk food. I live (still) on chicken breast, steamed fish, liver, steak and tinned Tuna. I make up the cals by Wholemeal bread, peanut butter and veggies.

      Good luck in your quest. You shouldn't need roids to lose weight.

