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Female AAS questions

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  • Female AAS questions

    Hey everyone! New here and I have some questions about what I can stack and cycling. I am wanting to run Winstrol, T3, Primobolan Depot, IGF-1, and possibly Clen due to the fact that after reading some of the posts here; it has been stated that Clen is good to run with T3 and Primo. Or if I could just run the Winstrol with the T3?

    What I've read so far states......
    IGF-1~~20-25mcg daily for 4-5 weeks and take 20-40 days off between cycles
    T3 & Clen~~day 1~25mcg T3 and Clen
    Day2~50mcg T3 and Clen
    Day 3-10~75mcg T3 and Clen
    Day 11-12~ 50mcg T3 and Clen
    Day 13-14~ 25mcg T3 and Clen
    Day 15-28~ no T3 or Clen
    Day 29~ repeat cycle
    Primo & Clen~~week 1-2~50mg primo and Clen
    Week 3-4~100mg Primo
    Week 5-6~ 100mg Primo and Clen
    Week 7-8~ 100mg Primo
    Week9-10~ 100mg Primo and Clen
    Week 11-12~ 50mg Primo
    Wait 6 weeks before cycling again

    I would really like to run the Winstrol, but I don't know where it's place should be or if I can sub it for the Clen. Also what products I can run at the same time or how they should be spaced out. Actually any info would be great! Thanks so much!

  • #2
    How many cycles have you done and what is your goal with this cycle??
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    • #3
      Originally posted by MrBig View Post
      How many cycles have you done and what is your goal with this cycle??
      I have run 1 cycle of Dbol and 2 cycles of Clen. Didn't really notice much with the Clen, max dosage was 100mcg. Max dosage with Dbol was 10mg.
      I'm 5' 7 1/2" and about 168 lbs. I have quite a bit of muscle, biceps are 15" and they are hard. But my BF is at bout 22%. I need to cut down to see exactly what amount of muscle I'm working with. But on the flip side I'm still wanting to increase my gains.


      • #4
        Hi and welcome,

        pls make sure you get your calories and your cardio on track to cut. Eat about 100-200 calories less then you need and you will keep most of your gains while cutting. And pls DONT do lowcarb diets when you want to see your muscle structure !
        This clen T3 cycles come out from some people who are already on track with eating and cardio. And its the icing on the cake, not the bread and butter to cut!



        • #5
          Originally posted by 123GetBigGER View Post
          Hi and welcome,

          pls make sure you get your calories and your cardio on track to cut. Eat about 100-200 calories less then you need and you will keep most of your gains while cutting. And pls DONT do lowcarb diets when you want to see your muscle structure !
          This clen T3 cycles come out from some people who are already on track with eating and cardio. And its the icing on the cake, not the bread and butter to cut!

          I hired someone to set me up with a diet and training schedule......needless to say, I'm not sure how we'll that is going lol......very carb heavy. There have been no modifications to my diet or training schedule I was given over the 5 months I've been on it. So, I have modified the training as far as exercises, left the body part rotation the same. I have not modified the diet I was given. But I've done quite a bit of research and am about to hire someone else.
          I don't have plans on doing low carb at all.

