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I need help with a cycle

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  • I need help with a cycle

    I need to drop some body fat but i also want to gain lean muscle. i was thinking about getting the beginner cut cycle. Does anyone recommend that or should i try and drop body fat on quick on my own by cutting carbs for a few weeks then get the beginners bulk cycle from Naps?
    Thanks so much

  • #2
    1st what is ur BF% ??
    "GYM + JUICE"


    • #3
      Not real sure probably about 20-25%. What is the best way to find out?


      • #4
        Without being disrespectful, I'd try to cut a bit more before jumping on a cycle. 20-25% is a bit high, and it might be a waste to run gear at that BF%, unless you're seriously into powerlifting or something like that. Not everyone has these issues, but some people have issues with blood pressure or gyno when running gear at a higher bf%. However, there are people that run gear at 20-25%+ and have very little issues.

        I'd personally suggest losing some fat first and then doing a clean gain with maybe a test only cycle. You could consider clen/t3 to help accelerate the fat loss, but ultimately it depends on your unique goals and desires. I'll say this now, I'm not an expert, so you may want to wait for more experienced guys to comment on this.

        I know you didn't imply this, but remember, steroids themselves do NOT lose fat for you. They can help put your body into a state that increases fat loss, but it really comes down to diet and exercise. Adding muscle also helps because your muscles will burn up that fat for energy.

        Give us some important info though,

        Age/Height/Weight/Years training/Body fat%. Most gyms will have someone who can test your body fat for you, I personally asked my doctor to check for me.



        • #5
          Thanks. I am pretty strict on my diet I have dropped about 10 lbsover the past month or so. What is the best way to drop it quick? Just cut the carbs back? What do u think about the begginers cut cycle instead of the bulk?


          • #6
            Originally posted by nathanlowman View Post
            Thanks. I am pretty strict on my diet I have dropped about 10 lbsover the past month or so. What is the best way to drop it quick? Just cut the carbs back? What do u think about the begginers cut cycle instead of the bulk?
            First get the whole idea of quick out of your head. Most people think if they take steroids that they'll look like a pro BBér, it doesn't work like that. Lazy people and people who have no drive (for most part) are fat, this shit takes hard work and dedication. Get your diet in check and work your ass off, nothing comes for free brother. There are a few things that have been mention above to help you accomplish this, but it come down to working your ass off if you want it bad enough.
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            • #7
              Originally posted by MrBig View Post
              First get the whole idea of quick out of your head. Most people think if they take steroids that they'll look like a pro BBér, it doesn't work like that. Lazy people and people who have no drive (for most part) are fat, this shit takes hard work and dedication. Get your diet in check and work your ass off, nothing comes for free brother. There are a few things that have been mention above to help you accomplish this, but it come down to working your ass off if you want it bad enough.
              I don't think anyone could have said it better bro!

              Originally posted by nathanlowman View Post
              Thanks. I am pretty strict on my diet I have dropped about 10 lbsover the past month or so. What is the best way to drop it quick? Just cut the carbs back? What do u think about the begginers cut cycle instead of the bulk?
              I would start by getting more cardio in. I wouldn't go to low on the carbs personally (I have 0 energy and feel like crap if I get below 200g/day), but to each is own. Ramp up the cardio, lower the fat intake, and get your 5-6 meals in each day. Low fat, lots of cardio, and continue lifting. I'll speak from my own experience, I was once 300 lbs. Cardio and dieting is what dropped the fat off of me. As I mentioned above, you could look into clen/t3 for the fatloss, but I believe it's always better to go without anything unless its really necessary. If you're trying to cut weight, lower the calories to a maintenance level (or slightly above), and bust your ass in the gym lifting, running, etc. Do a google search for HIIT, and add this into your routine. That fat will damn near drip off your body. I'll post a link to my cycle log below, so you can see where I started (fat) and what I worked towards before getting on gear.


              You mentioned beginners cut cycle, don't waste your time with gear right now. Bust your ass in the gym, get that fat down, and then WHEN you're ready, just do a simple test cycle with a proper PCT. I mean others will recommend other things, but test is amazing, cheap, and it works! Don't bother with the gear until you're ready bro.



              • #8
                I have a question I'm 184lbs I'm 5ft 8 inches and I want to get cut and lean but I'm dieting and lifting but ain't getting the right results I want I wanna know what cycle or what type I can you and it will be my first time using..... Help a bro with tips...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JuanXi View Post
                  I have a question I'm 184lbs I'm 5ft 8 inches and I want to get cut and lean but I'm dieting and lifting but ain't getting the right results I want I wanna know what cycle or what type I can you and it will be my first time using..... Help a bro with tips...
                  1st start u own thread - no hijackers. .................................................. ...........................................(again looking for easy route)
                  "GYM + JUICE"


                  • #10
                    Thanks for info.

