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Newbie trying to start my first cycle

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  • Newbie trying to start my first cycle

    I weight about 190lbs 15.3% body fat I would like to get cut and gain some muscle as well whats a beginners stack that will give me minimal sides please help

  • #2
    No such steroid brother, we would all love to do that and not have to train, but it doesn't work like that. Do research and you'll learn what you need to know. Just asking a question will not help you, you need to know all about AAS or at lest should know what your doing, so read your ass off, it's not going to drop in your lap. It starts here with hard, break your ass work!!
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    • #3
      Ive done a good bit of research on it but I wanted to know from someone else perspective Im really confused on how to stack should you always take test while on any cycle?


      • #4
        First off, you say you've done a lot of research?? If you have then you wouldn't have ask that question!

        I'm not trying to be a dick, although it seems so, you really need to know what your doing, you could hurt or even kill yourself. The media has blown steroid use out of the water and made it seem that all you need to do is take steroids and you'll look like a Pro BBer. So please do your research and when you have a question we are all here to help, you need to help yourself before we can help you. At lest know what your talking about. Trust me you will be way better off for the knowledge you will have.
        The Rules At Juiced Muscle (everyone please read)!!!
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        • #5
          I know that you cant gain muscle and lose weight by taking roids and just sitting on a couch. Its been 5 months since I worked out I had surgery done on my leg when I broke it so I just wanted something to help me get to my goal a little quicker. I know I need to do more research and once I have a solid plan I will get back to you for advice if thats ok. Thank you!


          • #6
            Well spoke Mr.Big !!! K22 I can tell ya bro It don't come easy... It's a good time to be getting your eating in order while u b sittin in front of ur computer for what seems to be hours of study IF you wanna do it right. You gotta show your helpin yourself before others will devote their time to helpin you. I too don't mean to be a ass but it's just how it works. Even though I am just getting ready to gear up for the first time I have been doing this for years. (diet,exercise,supps) it has taken me this long and I could not began to tell you how long I have studied not just roids but all the aspect that go with it....just as important as your cycle is, what are you going to do at the end (PCT) when you need to bring your own natural test back up. have you studied side effects,,,Like Mr.Big stated it all comes with sides. But just like driving a car it will kill you if you don't learn and respect the way you drive it. Go to Naps and look at their products you can click on em and they have put so much information to help you learn. then if you don't get it there go to the world wide web. don't just listen to one report...get several and you have to make up your mind what will work for you. It takes time and dedication and when you come here and ask a question it will be that everyone will wanna help cause they see your helpin safe bro and "LIFT HEAVY LIFE IS TOO SHORT"


            • #7
              Thanks Exothermic I have not been in the Gym in 5 months I use to lift and eat right but once I broke my leg I lost all of my motivation and gained weight next week is going to be my last day of therapy and Im hitting the gym harder then ever also I have set up a full diet plan as well with Macro counting.


              • #8
                Sounds good bro, Be Safe, take your time and don't push your training to the point you compromise your form... specially with a leg injury those being bigger muscles and stabilizers are gonna need to remember how to work together to support the weight... when you get time look up even just starting out on test alone may be enough for some peoples goals. but again you gotta know what you wanna do. and keep in mind, you can always step up your game but no body should push it! and over do it, that just defeats the whole purpose... Also if you have been on prescription drugs you may wanna check their toxicity and make sure you give your liver time to heal before you start a cycle. Some drugs may effect your cycle too so if you are takin or been taking any read up on em and make sure your not starting with a handicap...

