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Starting Over--What Routine Should I Use?

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  • Starting Over--What Routine Should I Use?

    I'm not new to weightlifting, and if you looked at my posts I've done a cycle before. I was in an accident that prevented me from lifting for several months, and along with that my diet went to shit and I'm basically back at square one. This is uncharted territory for me, though. I'm back lifting, but my lifts are pathetic (135 bench for 5, 175 squat for 5, 215 dl for 5) and I want to get back to where I was.

    So my question is, what's an optimal routine for me? I don't know if I could do the same routine as previous cycles since I have way less muscle, but at the same time I know that doing a beginner routine is just wasting the cycle. Any input?

  • #2
    Take your time bro, BE SAFE!!! Are you still on meds or prior meds (how is your liver?) make sure your cycle is not going to have a conflict with something you have to take as a result of the accident. Make sure you prime to before your cycle Mr RonnyT posted a "prime" in the general chat it's really informative. Don't push yourself too fast it usually results in set backs. take it easy for a bit and prefect your form all over again. Your muscle memory will kick in and you will be makin gains in no time.

