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DBOL, pumps or something else?

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  • DBOL, pumps or something else?

    Im 3 weeks into my 3rd cycle. Cycle consists of 300mg Test 400 twice a week, and 6 weeks DBOL 50 mg 1 hour before the gym. The issue in facing is towards the end of the first week but mostly last week i started experiencing a lot of pain in the gym. Felt like it was in my bones. When i was benching, when i would release the grip on the bar i would feel it pretty bad in my arms. I read something on this in here but couldn't find it again, to see if i was tripping or this was something to be concerned with. Im chalking it up to PUMPS, which is a good thing. Just made it kinda hard to get thru the workout. Any thoughts?

  • #2
    im confused with your are you saying you are taking .75cc of test 400 to get your 300mg dose?
    Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


    • #3
      300mg twice a week for a total of 600 a week. Of the test 400. I did try to cut the DBOL in half and only take 25mg 1 hour before gym,,that worked a little,but what i found that worked best was to drink almost 2 gallons of water thru out the day. I go to the gym in the evening. The pain had subsided from what i can see. The water helped or my body has just got used to the dbol by now.


      • #4
        sounds like you were dehydrated..probably nothing to do with the gear..are you taking an AI? too much of that can dry you out and cause joint pain
        Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


        • #5
          Yeah, arimidex 1/2 every 3rd Day. You think i should lessen that some to see if that helps a little. I drank a gallon and a half today and this evening i started feeling the pain again. Mostly when i would lock out my arms or squeeze the bar real tight. It almost feels like joint pain? Im taking my fish oil. So now im confused again,lol i thought i had it solved with the hydration.? I love the gains im getting off the dbol, so id hate to mess with the dosing on it.


          • #6
            cut back on the adex and let it clear your system...take some glucosamine, that should help with your joint pain for the time being...personally i dont suggest an AI for the low amount you are using unless you get estro sides easily
            Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


            • #7
              Cool, i will try that. Thanx bro. I was taking the adex because it was suggested to me to take it all the way thru. Just to be on the safe side. I don't know if im prone to gyno sides easily. This is my 3rd cycle and ive taken it all the way thru each time. I Will cut it back and see how it goes. This is the second with dbol orals, but the first time with the pain. Its funny you said that because i missed my dose of adex the other day and this week hasn't been too bad in the gym. A little pain , but not like it was. Thanx again for the help with this. Ill hit gnc today and get some glucosamine.


              • #8
                I'm starting week 2 of a cycle and experiencing the same thing. Heavy lifts, especially bench, my elbows and wrists are killing me. This started right after I started the Adex, I'm going to hold off another week or two and let the Drol lube the joints a bit.

