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1st Cycle: 28 Y/O 12%BF Lifted for past 12 years

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  • 1st Cycle: 28 Y/O 12%BF Lifted for past 12 years

    Hey fellas. I am going to be doing my first cycle soon and want to be sure I am not missing anything.
    I am 5'8 175 with 12%BF...After my research I was planning on using the following.

    10 Weeks 250. Test E every 5 days
    Week 1-2 40MG of Clen
    Week 9-10 40MF of Clen

    Weeks 13-14: Nolvadex for 4 weeks

    I was considering taking propecia to protect my hair as well. IS there anything missing? I appreciate any feedback. Thank you in advance.

  • #2
    hi i'm 24 6'1/230 % bodyfat.
    i want to add mass and decrease my body fat what should i take?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Stallion28 View Post
      Hey fellas. I am going to be doing my first cycle soon and want to be sure I am not missing anything.
      I am 5'8 175 with 12%BF...After my research I was planning on using the following.

      10 Weeks 250. Test E every 5 days
      Week 1-2 40MG of Clen
      Week 9-10 40MF of Clen

      Weeks 13-14: Nolvadex for 4 weeks

      I was considering taking propecia to protect my hair as well. IS there anything missing? I appreciate any feedback. Thank you in advance.
      Up the test to 500mg per week (split into 2 shots, Monday and Thurs...etc.)
      250mg every 5 days is not enough and won't be worth while.
      If you are not cutting, I would not add the Clen. Save it for a cutting cycle.
      Propecia (finasteride) would be fine at 1 mg per day.
      If you can't do it right, Don't do it!


      • #4
        How about armidex? Estrogen blocker?


        • #5
          Definitely add an AI. Arimidex or aromasin. Also have some Letro on hand in case you get Gyno on cycle.
          If you can't do it right, Don't do it!


          • #6
            Will I notice gyno symptoms right away? Can I take the lethro right along side of the armidex? How long and how much should I take of each?

            I think I got the Nolvadex down..


            • #7
              No you won't notice gyno right away. Only take the letro if you get gyno.

              Start by taking about .5mg Adex every other day. You can up it to .5-1.0 per day if your nips get sensitive. (Only take Letro if you actually start to get true gyno)

              You would not take Adex and Letro together, they are both AI's but Letro is much more powerful.
              If you can't do it right, Don't do it!


              • #8
                last question...after my last injection i will wait 2 weeks and take nolvadex 40 for 1st week and 20 for 2nd week week. When do i stop taking arimdex? after last injection? Also, i read on another forum that .25 dex 3 days a week When just taking one by itself was enough? thanks, im almost ready.


                • #9
                  Take the arimidex right up till you start taking the nolva and then cycle off.

                  .25 mg adex e3d is pretty low, I know I can't do it (some people can). I got gyno 2 weeks into my cycle and I was taking .25mg adex per day. Upped it to .5 every day and it continued to get worse. (had to Letro it).
                  If you can't do it right, Don't do it!


                  • #10
                    Stallion28, Herc can only give you a starting point, everyone reacts different to gear and AI's. Herc knows what he's talking about if you can, try to do what he's telling you. We're all here to help and most of us would give you the same info as he just did. All that is very good advise. As for AI's I may do 800mg'1200 and some times I don't need to use any AI. Just remember everyone reacts differently, it's your job to figure out what works best for you.
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