A Guide to Safe Injection Technique
By sam1976
for juicedmuscle.com
By sam1976
for juicedmuscle.com
I often see questions regarding various aspects of the injecting procedure. This article may be common knowledge to the experienced AAS user, but knowing how important safe and sterile injection technique is, if I can save one newbie from hurting themselves, then it will have been worth writing. I’m writing to explain the procedure that I use. My point isn’t to create a be all, end all guide to injection, but more so, share personal experience of what has worked for me.
Equipment :
Barrels :
Most commonly, a 3cc (3ml) barrel has been my weapon of choice, as it is for most athletes I know. I’ve been stuck with 5cc barrels and let me tell you, it is no picnic, getting that oil into the muscle with a 5. Unless I get to a point that I’m using more than 3mls at a time (which I don’t see happening), I’ll stick to my 3’s.
Pins :
First of all, when talking about needles, notice that the smaller gauge number, the thicker the pin is. I recommend using two separate pins for drawing and injecting. Drawing oil can be a slooow process with a small pin. I’ve found that a 20g works great for me. The oil fills quickly into the barrel and the rubber stopper of my vial stays intact. I’ve found that too often, if I use an 18g to draw, the stopper gets beat up and at times, even small pieces of rubber break off and fall into the bottle. Not good! So the 20g is good for drawing, but there is no way in hell that I would like to inject with it! For injecting, I use a 25g for most everything now days. Today, so much of the UG gear is made with EO or other thin carriers that a 25g works very well. It would work with thicker gear too, but you may find that injecting becomes a much longer process. If that is the case, a 23g will probably better suit your needs. 23g is a very common pin to use for injections. Still, I choose the 25 when I can. I’ve found that the smaller pin seems to reduce the amount of scar tissue build up I get during a cycle.
Besides the gauge of the needle, another important aspect is the length. 1 ? inch is what is most recommended for glutes. It is important to inject deep into the muscle and often, the glute is covered with a good layer of fat, so the 1 ? is a good choice. I’ve heard of very lean people getting away with using a 1 inch pin for glutes, but it isn’t something I’ve tried. Even at 3.5-4%BF, I’ve still gone with the 1 ? for glutes. Other common areas to inject are the quads and side delts. For both of these sites, 1inch is great.
Alcohol :
No not a shot of bourbon to get the courage up to inject. Isopropyl or rubbing Alcohol. I believe the best thing to do is drop $2 on a box of prep pads at your local drug store, often found in the diabetic care section.