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Doubts about how my PCT should be

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  • Doubts about how my PCT should be

    Hey guys, i am new to the forum and i hope, even if mine are i guess normal question for first timers, i dont ask stupid questions.
    I am almost done with my cycle, 5 amps left.
    Only running 250ml Testo Enathate every 4th day.
    Now, i read that everybody take clomid or nolva or a lot of other things but also their cycles are much more stronger than mine.
    The guy who gave me the details now do not answer anymore, great eh?, but before he gave me some advices that i would want to hear opinions about.
    First, i was 100kg when i started, now i am at 110 and i know is a lot of water but still i believe the gains are very good. So far no sides or pains, a bit on the knees but idk if that is related to testo.
    He said: 10g creatine a day, Zinc 150mg ( wich i take on cycle too ) and saw palmetto 500-1000 mg a day. All that after the 7th week of cycle.
    Is that in order? Do i really need to add something else with such a low cycle?
    I want to get ready for next year, because i want to compete. And i dont know if i should stop or keep going because im scared that my body doesnt produce testo well anymore. I said, sounds stupid, even for me. But better ask.

    Thanks and sorry !

    EDIT: Forgo to said that i am also taking tribulus, and the creatine is crea genic not mono
    Junior Member
    Last edited by AMBS; 03-14-2013, 11:00 PM.

  • #2
    Always gonna need either clomid or nolva for pct bro. Also you should always have one or the other on hand while you're on cycle incase of gyno showin up.
    Wanna go the extra mile and prevent some of the water retention tack on some arimidex 0.5mgs starting your second week til the end of pct? If i'm wrong someone correct me but this is how i've always done it.


    • #3
      Yeah, i readed those are good to have. Thats why i am going to get clomid. My question was if it is THAT necessary with such low test cycle, not even 500mg a week. I dont need much i believe?


      • #4
        Also, i saw that training sessions should not be longer than 45-60 mins and also lower volume. Diet also changes, but lots of questions for low cycle. I am just a little scared with that depression thing and all that that can happen. Hehe. Normal i guess, as i was with first injection.


        • #5
          Go with Nolva instead of Clomid... i haven't tried Clomid but reports say that it turns you into an emotional female.. I'm not really tryinta to turn out like Robert Pulson (Meatloaf) on Fight Club...


          • #6
            adex will lessen the affect of nolva or maybe its the other way around but dont take the 2 together


            • #7
              And what dosages would i need arround what?

