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Test on all cycles?

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  • Test on all cycles?

    Is it neccesary to run test with every cycle or can you just go without? What are the pro's and con's

  • #2
    Always Test in my opinion its the foundation of every cycle - Its as simple as that,
    There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

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    • #3
      Originally posted by optimal cruz View Post
      always test in my opinion its the foundation of every cycle - its as simple as that,
      i was told the same thing


      • #4
        Even if I want to run sustanon?


        • #5
          Originally posted by 1tuffcookie View Post
          Even if I want to run sustanon?
          come on 1Tuffcookie (I expect more from U )- Sust is test, its a blend of tests. - usually ;
          30 mg testosterone propionate
          60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
          60 mg testosterone isocaproate
          100 mg testosterone decanoate

          The Pros+Cons - IMO,

          - Test replaces ur natty test simply+safely (which gets shut down) its also a great base to build on.
          (Safer ? - Lets face it Dr.s do prescribe Testosterone for HRT/TRT).

          - A cycle w/o test would require u to take a much higher dosage of another Compound (like Dbol,Deca or Tren) to replace + go above normal test levels which comes with greater sides.

          No one is saying it is impossible or won't work, I believe it is safer + easier to use Test as a base on every cycle.
          Senior Member
          Last edited by ODB; 08-14-2012, 06:37 PM.
          "GYM + JUICE"


          • #6
            It absolute must test no if ands or butts a cycle means test lol u cant say cycle with out running test test is the best


            • #7
              I remember when I first started using whenever someone would suggest this I would refute it, cause in my mind test means getting big and puffy and I was always looking to get lean and cut lol.. Man if I only knew then what I do now.. Test is a must on every cycle how much will dictate what happens..


              • #8
                Does them amount of dosage change with age? Like if Im in my mid to late 40"s?(47)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ODB View Post
                  come on 1Tuffcookie (I expect more from U )- Sust is test, its a blend of tests. - usually ;
                  30 mg testosterone propionate
                  60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
                  60 mg testosterone isocaproate
                  100 mg testosterone decanoate

                  The Pros+Cons - IMO,

                  - Test replaces ur natty test simply+safely (which gets shut down) its also a great base to build on.
                  (Safer ? - Lets face it Dr.s do prescribe Testosterone for HRT/TRT).

                  - A cycle w/o test would require u to take a much higher dosage of another Compound (like Dbol,Deca or Tren) to replace + go above normal test levels which comes with greater sides.

                  No one is saying it is impossible or won't work, I believe it is safer + easier to use Test as a base on every cycle.
                  Ok with that said this is what I am planning for my next cycle
                  1-16 week-300mg sust EOD
                  1-16 week-250mg test en. EOD
                  1-16 week 200mg EQ EOD
                  1-18 week .5 adex E3D or as needed
                  19-23 week chlomid 100/100/50/50
                  1-19 week HCG 250 IU's every 3rd day.

                  This is definately open for critique. If you have a different cycle plan let me know I won't be offended..


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 1tuffcookie View Post
                    Ok with that said this is what I am planning for my next cycle
                    1-16 week-300mg sust EOD
                    1-16 week-250mg test en. EOD
                    1-16 week 200mg EQ EOD
                    1-18 week .5 adex E3D or as needed

                    19-23 week chlomid 100/100/50/50
                    1-19 week HCG 250 IU's every 3rd day.

                    This is definately open for critique. If you have a different cycle plan let me know I won't be offended..
                    Dont take this the wrong way but its all wrong, Let me show you the way of the warrior: Test will cut you with a solid diet, Now I dont what experience you have with training or diet however -

                    12 week cycle, Do not up or down the dosage! You need steady levels in the body otherwise youll imbalance your test levels and leave yourself open to acne and gyno etc etc

                    youll plateau at about week 12 anyway, I would seriously consider running Tren E and Test E I think yoiud be amazed at what the tren does! Lean lean Lean
                    There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Optimal Cruz View Post
                      Dont take this the wrong way but its all wrong, Let me show you the way of the warrior: Test will cut you with a solid diet, Now I dont what experience you have with training or diet however -

                      12 week cycle, Do not up or down the dosage! You need steady levels in the body otherwise youll imbalance your test levels and leave yourself open to acne and gyno etc etc

                      youll plateau at about week 12 anyway, I would seriously consider running Tren E and Test E I think yoiud be amazed at what the tren does! Lean lean Lean

                      I actually just finised a cycle like that with pretty decent results. I was just looking to try something different, cycle wise. I know sust is awesome, so am curious to try it.


                      • #12
                        Sust is good, you could add mast and winny to harden gains its really down to you bro?
                        There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

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                        • #13
                          Thnks for the input Cruz...


                          • #14
                            No problem, Everything is down to you and your body you know what works what doesnt work and I might get some stick but the guys know what im talking about, I would say your going to have to dive in at the deep end and see what works for you. Make our own mistakes learn how your body copes with certain compounds and gauge your dosage.

                            If something isnt working drop it, Revert to the base cycle
                            There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

                            if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE


                            • #15
                              A friend of mine likes to do Tren only cycles. I keep telling him he is the biggest idiot i know and his future health will not be good. I was told in the beginning "test is the mortar that holds the bricks together. Without the mortar the bricks will fall apart and you will be in trouble." After many cycles i now prefer Test "only" cycles and wouldnt think of ever running another without.

