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Looking for opinions for next cycle

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  • Looking for opinions for next cycle

    This will be my third cycle and I'm looking for some advice from some more Experienced guys. Iv been studying up on and off for the last few months and this is what I have come up with, but first some stats.


    *500 mg week test c,

    *400 mg wk eq

    *50 mg GP Methan

    *tren e 400 mg wk
    (or Mast havent desided)
    75 mg Ed proviron

    250iu hcg*

    Pct 2 weeks after last shot

    *100 mg Ed chlomid, 40 mg Ed nolva*

    3-4 50 mg Ed chlomid, 20 mg Ed nova

    If there is anything you would add or change I would really appreciate your opinion!

  • #2
    seems like an awful lot for your third cycle
    Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


    • #3
      Originally posted by ds222 View Post
      seems like an awful lot for your third cycle
      Yeah I have to agree, if you use that Tren be careful it's Strong shit. Also, take notice of the fucked up dreams your going to have using the Tren, you'll wake up saying what the fuck was that all about. lol Yeah I don't think you need that much to still get some good gains, I would seriously take the Tren out but thats my opinion.
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      • #4
        Do you think it's a lot because of the addition of the Tren or Mast tward the end of the cycle. Or because of the duration?


        • #5
          Originally posted by MrBig View Post
          Yeah I have to agree, if you use that Tren be careful it's Strong shit. Also, take notice of the fucked up dreams your going to have using the Tren, you'll wake up saying what the fuck was that all about. lol Yeah I don't think you need that much to still get some good gains, I would seriously take the Tren out but thats my opinion.
          So do you think the addition of Mast would be the better choice to add ate the end of the cycle or just stick with the Test and EQ?


          • #6
            The Mast is for cutting, I really don't think you need eather one. I'd run the the EQ right to week 16 also. I think you'll be very happy with out the two (TREN and Mast). Just make sure your diets right on. IMO
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            • #7
              Yeah I was thinking adding the Tren or Mast at the end of the cycle to try and shed some bf. iv got a little more bf now then I normally do so I'd say I'm around 12% but I think I'll go with your opinion since I have plans to do 8 weeks of test prop / Tren A / Mast a few months after this run. Also I was back and forth on which AI i sould use eather Arimidex at .5 mg eod Or using the Proviron. By what I read on naps the Proviron sounds like good stuff but I havent been able to find many opinions on it, or much of a dosing schedule?


              • #8
                I would personally bump the EQ up to 600mg. And I agree with running that the whole time and dropping the tren or mast.
                The EQ will give you lean gains but the dbol is gonna make you a little puffy. You might wanna drop that as well.


                • #9
                  WOOO!! 20% off everything on our sponsors site!! Guess I should order now and save some money!! Ok so I revised my run and this is what I'm thinkin now

                  Wk 1-4
                  GP Methan- 50mg

                  Wk 1-12
                  GP Test Cyp- 1ml twice a week- 500mg
                  GP EQ- 1ml twice a week- 400mg

                  Wk 1-12
                  Arimidex .5mg eod-e3d

                  Wk 3-12
                  Hcg 200iu twice a week (never used hcg b4 advice would be appreciated)

                  PCT 14 days after last shot

                  Wk 1-2
                  chlomid 100mg Ed, Nova 40mg Ed

                  Wk 3-4
                  chlomid 50mg Ed, Nova 20mg Ed
                  Junior Member
                  Last edited by Derek450; 07-30-2012, 04:42 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sixteentons View Post
                    I would personally bump the EQ up to 600mg. And I agree with running that the whole time and dropping the tren or mast.
                    The EQ will give you lean gains but the dbol is gonna make you a little puffy. You might wanna drop that as well.
                    The only problem is I like to keep my Test levels higher then any other compound I'm using. I don't think I want to jump up to 750mg of Test just yet, this only being my third cycle. And yes the Dbol will make me a little puffy but I will still have another 7 wks to go on the cycle once I have dropped it. Most of the water retention from the Dbol should be gone by the end of the cycle.
                    Junior Member
                    Last edited by Derek450; 07-30-2012, 04:53 PM.


                    • #11
                      I would not add the Tren and Mast in towards the end like that. I would use them both in a completely different cycle. You do not need to go to 750mgs of Test just to run 600mgs of EQ.

                      I would go with:

                      1-16 Test C - 500mgs a week
                      1-16 EQ - 600mgs a week
                      1-4 DBol - 50mgs a day

                      Possibly add in Mast towards the end of the cycle for 4-5 weeks at 50-100mgs EOD - But I do think you will be very happy with the results without it.

                      That will give you some nice lean gains - Keep your training and diet on point and you will be good. No need to go overboard with Tren and Mast. Hit me up if you have any questions. Also, please use the link in my signature before you order!

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