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Geneza's new product mixs?

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  • Geneza's new product mixs?

    Greetings Gents,

    Been on a little bit of a hiatous lately was down in the dumps and stopped working out for a minute. Went to go the beach the other and was too embarassed to even loose my shirt (I got hi standards). Long story short I got my fire back looking to get geared up and going. Was wondering if anyone has tried the eq/test and eth/tren mixes and what they thought? As good as getting um seperate? Any diff pinning? Any feedback would be amazing as I look to figure out whats next for myself! Thanks yall!

  • #2
    hey bro, these mixes pretty much just came out. it looks like naps has rounded up some product testers from the board. we should start hearing early feedback soon. we wont hear much on the effect of the long esters for awhile though, as i'm sure you understand. they test everything they release though. i have personally never used a GP product that hasnt worked as it should. i dont see any reason why that wont continue with these new blends stick around. i'm sure we'll hear more soon.
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