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GP Methan 10 (dianabol)

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  • GP Methan 10 (dianabol)

    Thinking of buying this from the napsgear website and stacking it with my injectables.. can anybody recommed the dosage to take?

  • #2
    40mg 1wk-4wk.


    • #3
      Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated


      • #4
        30mg-50mg 1-5 weeks
        Click On The Link Below Before You Place Your Order!


        • #5
          this is per day correct?


          • #6
            Originally posted by opruch View Post
            this is per day correct?
            hey bro, a lot depends on how much experience you have and what the rest of your cycle looks like. so let me ask you just a couple questions

            whats the rest of your cycle look like and are you using an AI? do you have a plan for PCT? how many cycles have you done and what have those cycles looked like?
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            • #7
              I'm just looking to add to my current cycle which is a tren/test stack.. using half a cc of tren every other day and 2 cc's of test every 4-5 days. been using enthanate as my test.. switching to cyp when I finish the test I have.


              • #8
                Originally posted by opruch View Post
                I'm just looking to add to my current cycle which is a tren/test stack.. using half a cc of tren every other day and 2 cc's of test every 4-5 days. been using enthanate as my test.. switching to cyp when I finish the test I have.
                right on bro. i'll tell you, the GP dbol is good, strong stuff. 3 tabs a day should be plenty to add a good amount of strength and fluid/weight
                if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE


                • #9
                  reading another thread.. is the dboll going to take away my vascular appearance?


                  • #10
                    I use 40mg no strength and fluid/weight


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bill2011 View Post
                      I use 40mg no strength and fluid/weight
                      I don't quite understand this answer.... it doesn't give you either?

