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fat loss/cutting cycle

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  • fat loss/cutting cycle

    New to the site....been researching for a while now. First, I am not new to gear as I messed around with it in my early 20s. I want to lose fat (over weight in certain areas) and get cut (ie....look 10 years younger). I am 32, 6'1, roughly 235lbs. I still show well in certain areas but want to get lean and cut all across the board. I've been hitting the gym hard for 3 months now and think it is time for help. My goal is to get in single digits body is what I'm thinking.

    8 wk cycle
    wk 1-8 GP Andromix (Prop, Tren, Mast) - 2ml M-W-F/6ml wk - 300mg/wk
    wk 1-12 Arimidex 1mg EOD
    wk 8-12 Clomid 100mg day
    wk 8-12 Nova 40mg day

    Thinking of adding another .5ml a dose = 375mg/wk for that a good dose?

    Any thoughts? Anything I can add to maximize my gains?

    Junior Member
    Last edited by john50; 12-28-2011, 01:57 PM.

  • #2
    I know you say you are not new to gear, but I would still run a Test P Cycle with maybe some Mast as a welcome back to gear cycle.....Just my opinion and there are way smarter guys than me here so I am sure you will get some more advice brotha man....
    Lead me, Follow me, or get the hell out of my way!


    • #3
      I was thinking that in the beginning....but seen the gains my boy had on Tren and I'm kind of I know that is some very potent stuff, but I am also married and don't want to get divorce. lol

      Funny thing is I have 30ml of Cyp in my closet, but want to get cut.


      • #4
        ok well first send the cyp my way...jk. I would hold off on the Tren, you will get solid gains with Test P and Mast or something similar...Tren is like a really hot bitch with a STD.....u wanna fuck her but you know you need to be very freaking careful and use the right "gear"
        Lead me, Follow me, or get the hell out of my way!


        • #5


          • #6
            CFINCH is right. Andromix is good stuff but not for a "reintroduction" after a long time off. I'd suggest Prop/mast, Prop/var, or Prop/winny. The cyp is good and with the right cardio and diet you can lose the body fat - less water retention with the prop though. Good luck.


            • #7
              oh yeah and most guys seem to do .5 adex eod as opposed to 1 mg


              • #8
                Yeah...maybe I should go simple first time back.

                Still only want to keep it does this sound:
                Prop = 1.25ml M-W-F 375mg wk
                Mast = 1ml M-F (200mg dose) 400mg week

                Is it feasible to mix the two to equal 1 shot


                • #9
                  that'd be 3cc per injec with mast? so make it one pinning stick to glutes? ive heard some guys doing 3ccs in delts and quads.. dunno

                  if i'm wrong feel free to correct me
                  Ain't no use in lookin' down
                  Ain't no discharge on the ground
                  Ain't no use in lookin' back
                  'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
                  Ain't no use in feelin' blue
                  'Cause Jody's got your lady too


                  • #10
                    definately do it.. ive only done 3 in my quads..

