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Question about trenbolone

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mbig245 View Post
    You know, I think it could have alot to do with, genetics, lifestyle,and maybe even stress? I've done my share of gear and I believe I look my age, well at least I'm told.. hahaha
    Good question though.
    I think this is true,i am 65 and been doing steroids since 1980 and i dont look nearly as old as i am,I was with 25 year old girl on my birthday and told her it was my birthday and she asked how old i was and i lied and told her 54,she said i thought you were in your 40's. I dont have any wrinkles at all.and was in great shape,she liked playing with my pecs while we had sex and told me i was tight.I think its more your genetics and life style that determine how you age,i dont smoke,do other drugs like coke,pot and dont drink much.never done HGH either or much in the way of peptides or other chemicals,just basic steroids,highest doses were the last 2 years 1200 to 1500 gms a week,test E,eq,and tren A.
    i always though high test levels would age you quicker but i dont believe thats true,its more genetics,my son is 39 and he doesnt look near that old and he has a few cycles with me.


    • #17
      i mean hell anything is possible.. but from one cycle, NO..even the people that claim this mite have happened were prob on 100s of other things so how can they specifically say it was from tren.. dont sweat it bro enjoy the tren


      • #18
        Not the Tren

        What you are talking about is called in bb-circles Palumboism. When bodybuilders keep competing, and use all the growth - slin and esp the IGF, they start to look like neanthertahlers -caveman. The loose all proportion and even their face and head (mushroom) changes. They get sharp wrinkles around the mouth and the skin looks bad. While dieting and watering off for stage this even looks worse. Some muscles esp the butt is declining, something that also happens with aging normally. Those older athletes also have big trunks (called wrongly the GH-gut)..sad when you realise what enormous efforts and risks these guys have made to become such succesfull bodybuilders in their time.

        In the comparisonpicture the left picture has been photoshopped to clearify what is meant.
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        Last edited by RonnyT; 01-08-2012, 12:52 PM.


        • #19
          I think what he is talking about is sagging skin on your face. I get it a little when I get my BF into single digits. Stallone gets it pretty bad, his skin sags from his cheeks down to his mouth. I also went very grey the first year I started using gear.

          As far as "GH Gut" its from having elavated IGF/Insulin levels which nmakes your intestines temporarly swell.
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