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since i can't post in my old thread.. cycle check.

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  • since i can't post in my old thread.. cycle check.

    ok so another cycle..
    1-15 GP Test Cyp - 500mg/wk
    1-15 GP Bold - 400mg/wk
    1-15 GP Proviron - 25mg EOD
    7-11 HCG (not sure of dosage but have 5000UI
    PCT Clomid 100-100-50-50

    so question is.. is the proviron dosage correct or do i need more? and what is a good dose for the HCG? Have extra Arimidex, Nolva, Clomid on hand in case shit happens.

  • #2
    I would extend the test to 16 wks and still end the eq @ wk 15 so pct timing is right.

    HCG I run @ 100ius ed or 200ius eod and its all I need to keep things pumping if you will.LOL.I know pinning every day is bothersome to some so a weekly does 500ius split 2x @ 250 ew is utilized by many as well but I seem to get better results with ed or eod inj.


    • #3
      eh its only into the fat.. no big deal. i dont mind that every day appreciate the info FIST as always! on to order now!


      • #4
        so.. just got notified im leaving early, so cycle is cut short.. fml im stuck with an 8 week, maybe 10 pushing it with PCT. so here is my idea

        1-8 GP Test P - 600mg/wk
        1-8 GP Proviron - 25mg ED
        1-2 4-5 7-8 GP Clen - 80mcg ED
        PCT Clomid 100-100-50-50

        will have extra on hand in case i can push to 10 weeks. not looking to bulk up too much as always. Just strength, performance, and endurance. gonna have to order asap so if something is jacked up let me know please. I thought it looked pretty good though


        • #5
          do npp instead of eq i loved the stuff works great with prop


          • #6
            Bump proviron up to 50 mg Ed, that's what I'm gonna do for a 14 weeker I have for mid February. Did 100 Ed last summer, just didn't have the cash to roll like that this time.


            • #7
              Here's what I recommend

              1-15 GP Test Cyp - 500mg/wk
              1-15 GP Bold - 400mg/wk
              1-15 GP Proviron - 50mg EOD
              14-17 HCG-500iu e3d ....don't run HCG during the actual PCT because it only tricks your body into producing LH. I also don't see the need of running hcg throughout such a mild cycle.

              18 -19 Clomid 100mg ed/ Nolva 30mg ed
              Wk 20-21 Clomid 50mg ed/ Nolva 20mg ed
              Wk 18-21 Arimidex .25mg ed

              This might seem a lot for PCT, but shouldn't you put as much into it as your cycle if you want to keep your gains. To many folks think of PCT as an afterthought.


              • #8
                Appreciate it. My boys shrunk pretty bad my last cycle it was GP SUST 540mg/wk and GP BOLD 600mg/wk for 10 weeks. Just was trying to avoid the testicular atrophy lol

