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Deca & EQ Together

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  • Deca & EQ Together

    Deca & EQ Together

    Found this article from many yrs ago and thought it was a great read to bring over.What are everyone's thoughts on this? Now the thing to remember is the author of this has been cycling for many many years so only after that long a time cycling does he or I think it's necessary to combine the 2.

    I've read Big Cats Profile which states that using both deca and eq together is pointless but i also read other stuff about it being different. Here is the best post i've read about combining them both, take a look :

    Author: Hogg
    Subject: Why it is good and some other things.

    A long time ago I said "why take both, they are about equal in terms of effect and use the same receptor" which is true, totally true, the strength advantage goes to deca in my opinion but with that comes the edema that is not found with eq.

    Both effect collagen syn in a positive manner though EQ surpasses deca in this regard.

    Both increase synovial fluid though deca surpasses eq in this regard.

    EQ raises RBC effectively. Herein lies the problem.

    So lets say that you had been using the supreme androgen, testosterone, at high dosages in prior cycles. Obviously there are concerns, namely malformed collagen and a loss of resiliency in connective tissues. One might opt to drop his test dosage but still seek a mass building effect.....what 2 drugs of all synthetics are 'clean', ie low androgenic component, but strong enough to produce quantifiable results and are beneficial to collagen syn??? Deca and EQ.

    But, taking 800mg of deca could be a prog gyno issue in some and most definitely might cause some has progestenic activity....what does progesterone do to women??? Why do men who use deca by itself often feel lethargic, moody, and some lose their sex drive?? So for all of those reasons, one might consider using deca at a reasonable dosage such that the prog gyno and sides considerations are minimized.

    But why would one bother with deca and something else rather than to just take 800-1000mg per week of eq? Simple, the RBC issue and eq aromatizes at extremely high dosages....

    EQ is hands down stronger than primobolan. Well why not use something else??? Such as??? there are other drugs like masteron clostebol acetate but honestly, how available are they to most people and at what cost??? IP IP IP....yeah, if you use his stuff, sure go right ahead.

    But for many people, eq and deca are both cost effective and readily available, not to mention that they are both very effective synthetics without the ugly androgenic sides like tren or collagen issues with drugs such as winstrol...and they can easily be augmented with an oral such as anavar.

    400mg of deca and 400mg of eq provides not only a beneficial effect on collagen syn, but increased appetite, vascularity, reasonable mass gain, healthy joints, and relief from over-use and repetitive use injuries in some users.

    Given the foregoing, deca and eq make sense. I have been using 300mg of test, 400mg of deca and 400mg of eq with good success. You dont 'blow the **** up' but I dont 'blow the **** up' off of anything anymore. What I have to look for is slow and consistent mass and strength gain and this is what I have found with this combination.

    I have to give credit to hulk for convincing me to try it. I knew all of this for quite some time but continued to believe that big dosages of test were necessary. Once I got my head out of my ass, my nagging injuries and aches and pains seem to go away.

  • #2
    Yup I agree, only the smallest modification changes the effects/side-effects. lotta hardcore guys claim to use just Testosterone, and i agree with them, that that is sufficient if you just want to bulk up. Best is to balance between androgenic and anabolic. I would opt for Testosterone decanoate and Nandrolone decanoate (this would bypass a deca-dick etc). Like FIST posts here, many guys want to try different compounds and cycle compounds to expirience the effect on themselves. That is probably the best since every induvidual reacts different on the diverse compounds and dosages. Not every guy wants to bulk up hard core. A kick-boxer has other needs then a bodybuilder or a powerlifter or a cosmetic user.


    • #3
      Im currently planning my next run and have Test cyp, EQ, and DECA. I was thinking of running deca for the 1st 12 weeks and over lapping with EQ for the last 8 weeks of a 16 week cycle. Would you guys suggest this or running them at the same time for the entire cycle?


      • #4
        Ive run both at the same time before in cycles with good results.I like to keep the deca @ a lower dose than the eq so as to prevent sides like deca dick and both lower than the test.As opposed to the article,I always feel test should be the highest dosed compound in ANY cycle.IMO this is the best and safest way to cycle with the least change of neg sides.


        • #5


          • #6
            I run sust deca and eq I loved it strong as a bull sust 750 deca 600 and eq 800 MG's a week


            • #7
              Thanks for the personal feedback c-monster.

