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Is anavar over rated 150-200mg?

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  • Is anavar over rated 150-200mg?

    I met top npc and pros, who say at high dose they can see anvar working. I'm talking 150-200mg perday. Theryn taking anvar inject and the 20-25 mg tabs, which are vet dose. What experience have you guy had. At these dose it's no longer no safer than any other oral

  • #2
    150 to 200mg a day?? Geeeeezzzzz.....I know alot of guys who say it's useless unless your in the 60mg to 80mg range but I've never heard first hand of anyone over 100mg a day. I have heard of a few nuts who run 100mg a day but these guys are trying to win their pro cards and it's second hand info so I take it with a grain of salt. Holy crap 150 to 200mg a day is way out there!! These must be the same guys that are running 16iu's of GH a day and 500mg of Test every day.....LOL


    • #3
      Well their top notch npc guys. One pro also agreed. I was trying with 5 npc one pro. Prior to gettingn guillian. Witness two do, by injection and anminal 20-25mg tabs. None of them had the 1omg tabs


      • #4
        its not really liver toxic so i take it at high doses it isstill safe..?


        • #5
          Originally posted by BLUELABEL View Post
          its not really liver toxic so i take it at high doses it isstill safe..?
          Var is broken down in the Kidneys not in the liver so as far as liver toxicity goes there shouldn't be any concern. However I don't know how much data there is out there to support one way or the other if higher doses are going to ultimately stress the kidneys. Something to think about is the fact that the Kidneys play a key role in the regulation of your blood pressure so damaging the kidneys can lead to a host of issues. As with all orals one should err on the side of caution


          • #6
            Kidneys was what worried them most. They mention a few top guys, who did a lot of var and had kidney problems. Some are retired and wearing bags.
            Originally posted by run4it View Post
            var is broken down in the kidneys not in the liver so as far as liver toxicity goes there shouldn't be any concern. However i don't know how much data there is out there to support one way or the other if higher doses are going to ultimately stress the kidneys. Something to think about is the fact that the kidneys play a key role in the regulation of your blood pressure so damaging the kidneys can lead to a host of issues. As with all orals one should err on the side of caution


            • #7
              good to know thanks guys


              • #8
                i think 150 is too high, id stop @ 100-110mg. I dont think the gains would outweigh the sides above 110mg.


                • #9
                  The highest I have taken is only 80mg per day. I actually love this stuff. It makes me very hard and does'nt produce water retention. If it wasn't so friggin expensive I'd run it in every cycle.


                  • #10
                    I'd say to really see Anavar really working you should dose between 75mg-150mg. I'm not talking about a female here.

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