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First time

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  • First time

    Alright guys a little about me.
    I am 23 years old, 215 lbs 13-15% bf. I am currently taking Superdrol and am concerned with the health risks involved when taking PH's and trying to make the plunge into AAS. some friends at the gym suggested to take Test Cyp instead at 250mg a week.

    Now never taking an AAS before I am a slight bit confused.

    -please see below info- Is that just a week supply, or is it more I am super confused and looking at direction here.. please don't flame guys just looking for whats best for my health.

    Pharmaceutical name: Testosterone Cypionate
    Pack: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)
    Active Life: 15-16 days

  • #2
    hey bud welcome, no it would be 10 weeks worth if u were to take it at 250mg a week... there are 10 ml of 250mg/ml test cyp.. that is a little low though most start between 4-500 mg so two bottles.


    • #3
      Yea the 250mgs. are real close to (H.R.T.) Hormone Replacement therapy... 400 mgs. of test a week should be cool for a beginner!!


      • #4
        thanks a lot, I read through stickies and about pct and all that good stuff but couldn't really find anything on serving size etc..


        • #5
          This may be a SAM question and if so I will post it there...

          Would a 25g be alright to use with Test Cyp or Test Eth ?? (I am a pussy and am still in fear of injecting, I have never been a big fan of needles and looking at the least uncomftorable method).
          Also I am planning to now take, 500MG weekly for 10 weeks... Can I take that all in one injection(2cc, on the basis that each ML=250MG), Or would it be best to split that into two injections? (I plan to inject into the quad as it seems the easiest and least painfull place to hit)


          • #6
            Originally posted by coryh11 View Post
            This may be a SAM question and if so I will post it there...

            Would a 25g be alright to use with Test Cyp or Test Eth ?? (I am a pussy and am still in fear of injecting, I have never been a big fan of needles and looking at the least uncomftorable method).
            Also I am planning to now take, 500MG weekly for 10 weeks... Can I take that all in one injection(2cc, on the basis that each ML=250MG), Or would it be best to split that into two injections? (I plan to inject into the quad as it seems the easiest and least painfull place to hit)
            Buy 3ml syringes with 20g needle and some extra 25g 1 inch needles.. Pull you gear from the vial with the 20g needle attached, then take the 20g off the syringe and relace it with the 25g needle to inject.
            The reason for this is because it is hard to pull from a vial witha pin as small as a 25g. They are great to inject with though.

            I'd split the dose into to wkly on Mon and 250mg on Thur.

            Thighs are easy too inject but they aren't one of the least painful. They contain so many many nerve endings compared to some other injection sites. Still a good site though. Side delt are also a good site. Injections are easy and less painful to me, especially when using a 25g/1' or 23g/1'

            Last edited by two_slug; 11-09-2011, 11:52 AM.


            • #7
              Cool deal, I will def do that.
              I had read the stickies and most of the "ask sam" stuff, I just couldn't find any specifics on how to dose.. may have missed the thread but the information is really spread out

