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My Cycle, your thoughts.

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  • My Cycle, your thoughts.

    Hey guys, just wanted to get some feedback from everyone on the cycle that I am going to do (once my gear arrives). Here is what I got:

    SuperTest 300 - 2 ml a week for 10 weeks
    Duo-Deca 200 - 1 ml a week for 10 weeks
    Methandienone (Dianabol) - 40mg a day for 4 weeks

    This will be my second cycle, my first one was the Beginners Mass Cycle from Naps. This cycle is also from Naps but from HardCore Labs and Gen Shi. Has anyone ever tried products from these labs?

    Thanks for any input guys, I am new at this and I am still learning. Take Care and be safe
    Lead me, Follow me, or get the hell out of my way!

  • #2
    deca is too low of a dose... ne3ver tried thsoe two labs but have friends that have tried genshi and it is supposed to be a top UGL.. anythign mr naps puts on his site will be worth a run.. WELCOME


    • #3
      Ok, thanks for input. Should I double the dose?
      Lead me, Follow me, or get the hell out of my way!


      • #4
        Originally posted by CFINCH007 View Post
        Ok, thanks for input. Should I double the dose?
        Depends on what u wish to accomplish? I take Deca 200mg Wk - works great for Joints
        "GYM + JUICE"


        • #5
          for the best muscle building results i'd do 2 ml of super test probably 3x a week and 2 ml of duo deca probably 3x a week aswell. around .66ml super test 300 and .66ml duo deca 200 per inject, the dbol would probably work just fine at 30mg but hey if u bought the right amount to run 40mg then no reason to waste gear. one other thing i can think of is i would make sure to run hcg starting week 3 or something cus this will shut u down pretty hard. none of this is set in stone of course just my ideas and opinions u should take sam's and other more experianced guys over mine anyday

          edit i just realised we were talking about a 300 mg/ml test not a 200mg lol my bad correcting the above aswell
          Senior Member
          Last edited by hackleech; 10-12-2011, 11:23 PM. Reason: made some confusing mistakes
          but hey thats just what i think and i'm a idiot so don't listen to me


          • #6
            Originally posted by CFINCH007 View Post
            Hey guys, just wanted to get some feedback from everyone on the cycle that I am going to do (once my gear arrives). Here is what I got:

            SuperTest 300 - 2 ml a week for 10 weeks
            Duo-Deca 200 - 1 ml a week for 10 weeks
            Methandienone (Dianabol) - 40mg a day for 4 weeks

            This will be my second cycle, my first one was the Beginners Mass Cycle from Naps. This cycle is also from Naps but from HardCore Labs and Gen Shi. Has anyone ever tried products from these labs?

            Thanks for any input guys, I am new at this and I am still learning. Take Care and be safe
            i think you have a pretty good plan laid out here.its your 2nd cycle so i would keep the test where it is. no need for more than 600mg. i would however adjust the deca up a little. maybe to 1.5ml EW (300mg), 2ml top. i would also personally drop the dbol down a little and run it for a big longer. more like 25-30 mg for 6 wks. i've used a lot of different AAS, run dbol a bunch of times and find that 30mg still works just fine for me. i get strong. i put on water weight fast. you can't expect much more from it, ya know. i also feel that you get more out of the synergy of using it together with the other compounds. by wk 4, 5 and 6, if you are still on the dbol, you'll be doing really well with the test and deca kicking in together. IMO, its a perfect trifecta for growth.
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            • #7
              what are you going to do for an AI and for PCT?
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              • #8
                Wow guys thanks for all your input. As far as PCT is 100/100/50/50 enough? Also im going to sound like a total newbie (which I am) but I am unfamiliar with the term Ai.
                Lead me, Follow me, or get the hell out of my way!


                • #9
                  aromatase inhibitors there estrogen blockers like arimidex, anastroloze etc. as the name implies it inhibits aromatase which is a enzyme that synthesizes estrogen
                  Senior Member
                  Last edited by hackleech; 10-12-2011, 11:48 PM.
                  but hey thats just what i think and i'm a idiot so don't listen to me


                  • #10
                    Thanks, I have some Anastroloze from my last cycle.
                    Lead me, Follow me, or get the hell out of my way!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by CFINCH007 View Post
                      Wow guys thanks for all your input. As far as PCT is 100/100/50/50 enough? Also im going to sound like a total newbie (which I am) but I am unfamiliar with the term Ai.
                      4 wks of clomid i take it? sounds good. careful, as clomid can make you moody. it acts somewhat like estrogen. it makes me super emotional. if you find you're getting over emotional while on 100mg and you drop it down to 50mg early, i'm sure you'll be fine. now the thing with deca is it is longer acting then test. in case you didnt know, you'll have to wait 3 wks after your last shot of deca to start PCT. what i would do is run your test for 1 wk longer if you can. that way, you can start 2 wks after last shot of test. if you dont have the gear to make that happen, it wont make or break you, but if you have some extra test, i would do it that way. make sense?
                      Senior Member
                      Last edited by sam1976; 10-13-2011, 02:55 AM.
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