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Front loading test

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  • Front loading test

    How would u guys Recommend front loading test e?

    Going to run 500/week for 15weeks dball kickstart n deca(not interested in frontloading deca) for 1st 10weeks.

    was thinking 1 1/2cc 2x week for 1st 1 1/2 weeks. So 325mg 2x a week. Sound good or what do you recommend?

  • #2
    personally i dont see the point in front loading? Why would you want to mate all your doing is raising your blood levels making you susceptible to side effects......... However if you are going to do it you need to do it with prop IMO.

    Is this your first cycle?
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    • #3
      i agree, preloading with a higher dose of long estered compounds makes no sense, its still gonna take as long. although ive never frontloaded anything, it only m akes sense to front load with a small amount of a shorter ester, in your case prop as mentioned.

      and fwiw, im going to run a test/deca cycle next and i have a spare bottle of npp. ill prob take a small amount of deca the first few weeks, with a moderate dose of npp, then taper the deca up and npp down as i progress and run out of npp
      Pain is just weakness leaving the body


      • #4
        Ive never agreed with frontloading. The idea of it just doesnt seem beneficial IMO.


        • #5
          Isn't the idea behind it:

          mid cycle your test levels are higher than when you start off


          front loading is done to insure test level is the constant no matter how far along you are in cycle?

          Do I have this wrong? or is it just an outdated concept like sust?

