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* First cycle on august

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  • * First cycle on august

    Hello everyone, I have been reading for the past 6 months about anabolics and I have gained a little knowledge of the most important things.

    I have always been scared of doing steroids but after the readings and the thousands questions i have done, now i reconsider.

    About a month a half ago I finished the cycle, but decided to go with just one oral dose of GP dbol, because back then I was starting to be curious about it. I took the first week 20mg before working out and the following weeks took 30mg until they ended i did it for 5 weeks, as well was taking milk thistle, and got 13 pounds noticeable gain. I did PCT but not with the right products so I lost most of my gains which I also think it was water retention, I knew by just doing oral it would be hard to keep gains. But now im 153 5'9 around 10% or less body fat, and look bigger and stronger.

    My goal is to go up to 170, would this cycle help me?
    Now for my I want to call it First real cycle I would like to do the following:

    500mg Test Cyp a Week - 12 weeks
    50mg of Dianabol a day - 10 weeks


    20mg Nolvadex a day - 14 whole weeks
    3caps Liv 52 a day - 10 whole weeks
    250uis HCG a week - 12-14 (only this weeks)

    Am I in the right track? I have read that Nolvadex is good to take it with your cycle, or should I do it just as the PCT weeks 12-14? Should I take something else for the PCT or will I be good with this products. As for the crash would taking cialis help me?

    Thanks and I honestly accept every single comment!

  • #2
    How old R U?..... 10 weeks of Dbol is way too long, 4-6 weeks is generally the norm.

    as far as on cycle + PCT it is a little hard to suggest + perfect as everyone has different reactions to the same chemicals;
    Your PCT should B at least 4 weeks and start 12-14 days after last CYP pin.
    I do not use Nolva or Clomid during cycle, I only use Adex + Hcg (but i do not get gyno).

    my suggestions with what u present for PCT;
    20-40mg Nolvadex a day - 14-17 weeks
    3caps Liv 52 a day - 12 whole weeks
    1000ius - 2500uis HCG a week - 13-14 (only this weeks)

    good luck
    Senior Member
    Last edited by ODB; 07-20-2011, 01:16 PM.
    "GYM + JUICE"


    • #3
      Im 21 now, and have been working out consistently for 2 years straight.

      Thanks ODB for your suggestion, I see the difference now.

      Gunslinger I do know that also that i should not be doing any kind of steroids at my age, but my self-esteem is really low and going to the gym and looking well fit and muscular is the only thing that makes me feel good about myself.

      How dangerous would it be and what could be the side effects of a cycle like this at my age?


      • #4
        Great advice you have given me, I will reconsider starting the cycle. Until now I have gained 40 pounds of muscle in the time I have been in the gym, but still want more than this, I guess just train way harder than im doing now.

        Thank you!


        • #5
          yeah man just wait till ur maybe 25
          but hey thats just what i think and i'm a idiot so don't listen to me


          • #6
            Build your foundation, pay your dues, there is no shortcuts. Lift heavy, eat like a maniac and sleep like a baby - you will grow. 70% of your success will be food, straight up. I don't care what kind of chemicals you are using, without a proper diet it's like putting a V12 engine in a Honda and feeding it corn oil.

            Stretch that stomach before you stretch those tendons


            • #7
              These guys are right. By the time I did my first cycle I was 27, been training for 5 years and had put on 40 lbs NATURALLY. Which was difficult with my genetics!

