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hgh question

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  • hgh question

    hey guys new to the sit. Im 35 almost 36 ugh. 5ft 8 192lbs. around 12% bf. have done almost every type of shit out there, my main staples are test cyp and anavar . during winter will add some dbol and deca to the mix. always hate the bloat cant get by it but whateve. Got some hgh to try and you can call me whateve you want but im clueless on the measuring this out and ius and whateva. Its blue top nipertropin supposedly very striongly dosed shuld only take low dosage. has anyone tried this type and if so am i right to say each vial supposed to last ten days and take 1 iu a da. the insulin needle i have reads 100 units 1 cc so do i mix 1 cc of water to vial and inject where it reads 10 on it once a day? any help would be greatly apprecitaed thanks

  • #2


    • #3
      ive always heard that rips are the shit, so you went right there! but assuming the vials are 10 iu vials, then your math is correct. 1cc(100 units) into 10 ius, then 10 units will be 1 iu. but i dont think ull see much for gains at only 1 iu a day, most people start at 1 but work up to whatever they can afford. also, youll need to go thru a few kits before youll see much for results, hgh is more for the long run, which makes hgh not financially plausible for alot of us.
      Pain is just weakness leaving the body


      • #4
        thanks yeah i was thinkn doin more like 4 to 6 a day split up into 2 injections, but the disclaimer on the blue top hgh hesaid not to do more than 1 iu a day becuz it is way overdosed and culd lead to insulin shock but im gona ease my way up plan on going about 6 mos and see how it goes.


        • #5
          jay diesel read that whole post and thanks that helped alot thats exactly what i was lookingfor


          • #6
            Keep us posted. A buddy of mine just started using Niper a couple weeks ago. He's dosing at 3 iu's a day. I told him the same thing (to raise that to 6 iu's). Hopefully it works for him and you. Good luck

