I used to get my testosterone cypionate from my doctor. When i decided to cycle and use higher amounts, I got in mexico. I would buy it when traveling. I know, not the smartest with customs. Anyway, I never had any issues w/ those products when i would inject. Then i ordered some on napsgear that was sent from out of the USA. I ordered a lot and it was confiscated by customs. I then ordered online from places within the USA. I ordered from multiple sites but every time i would inject, i would get this hard area and it would REALLY hurt for like 4-5 days. Every site, the same thing would happen. I changed needles, etc. I made sure that i was using a sterile technique. And like i said, i could from multiple different sites that shipped from within the USA. I have tried using some of my older left over ones that were prescription and i had no issues, no pain. So i think it definitely is the product. Does anyone know sites where there is high quality testosterone? My preference would be that it is shipped from the USA to avoid having to go thru customs however if it needs to come outside the usa on napsgear, i would be open to that.