Hey guys, im new to posting in the forums but been reading for a while. Decided to post here at JM because it seemed like most ppl here are knowledgeable and helpful and I need advice.
Im 27 and have been working out and dieting for the past few months after a while away from the gym. I have lost a good amount of fat and gained some muscle but just wanted to speed things up a bit and gain some size which I have never been able to attain naturally through diet and exercise. My main goal is to build lean muscle.
For my first cycle, I was considering running a short 6-8 week summer cycle of tren, eq, and primo with HCG and an AI during/after for pct. I also wanted to throw in clen for the fat loss.
So Ive read people recommending against tren for first timers but from what I know about tren, I think it is greatly suited to my goals. Is it really that horrible? Also, would running three be too much for a noob and what dosages would you recommend for my cycle length and stack?
Thanks in advance for any advice
Im 27 and have been working out and dieting for the past few months after a while away from the gym. I have lost a good amount of fat and gained some muscle but just wanted to speed things up a bit and gain some size which I have never been able to attain naturally through diet and exercise. My main goal is to build lean muscle.
For my first cycle, I was considering running a short 6-8 week summer cycle of tren, eq, and primo with HCG and an AI during/after for pct. I also wanted to throw in clen for the fat loss.
So Ive read people recommending against tren for first timers but from what I know about tren, I think it is greatly suited to my goals. Is it really that horrible? Also, would running three be too much for a noob and what dosages would you recommend for my cycle length and stack?
Thanks in advance for any advice
