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Coming Off of AAS.
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Every protein I consume makes my body pimple.
نرم افزار حسابداری
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Originally posted by NoExcuses View PostThank you for the great info. Unfortunately, it's a bit confusing to me. I'm new at Cycling and like others, I wish I'd known of this site earlier. The nice thing is I will be much better prepared next time.
I'm about ready to come off a cycle of Tren and Sust. I've been on for 12 weeks. What should someone take/do to keep as much of their gains as possible? Please keep it simple if possible.
Expect Success!
Sust 500mgs for 12 or 15 weeks
Tren E 200mgs for 10 weeks
Nolva 10mgs ED while on...
PCT: Nolva and Clomid
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Thank you for the great info. Unfortunately, it's a bit confusing to me. I'm new at Cycling and like others, I wish I'd known of this site earlier. The nice thing is I will be much better prepared next time.
I'm about ready to come off a cycle of Tren and Sust. I've been on for 12 weeks. What should someone take/do to keep as much of their gains as possible? Please keep it simple if possible.
Expect Success!
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About Ready to Come Off a Cycle
Thank you for the great info. Unfortunately, it's a bit confusing to me. I'm new at Cycling and like others, I wish I'd known of this site earlier. The nice thing is I will be much better prepared next time.
I'm about ready to come off a cycle of Tren and Sust. I've been on for 12 weeks. What should someone take/do to keep as much of their gains as possible? Please keep it simple if possible.
Expect Success!
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I eat up to 500 grams of protein a day and weigh just over 230lbs
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[QUOTE=F.I.S.T.;22233]1--- The protein supply, however, should still be relatively high at 1- 1.5 g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.
With all due respect, in a textbook named Nutrition for Health, Fitness & Sport ISBN:0078021324 that I used for a "nutrition for human performance" class I took in college it recommends that protein intake during weight training should be in the range of 1-1.5 Grams of protein per KILOGRAM of body weight, not pound. It specifically points out that the idea of 1.5g/POUND of body weight is a misconception brought upon by the fitness industry intended to sell more protein. The professor went on to justify this by pointing out that no scientist would use two different forms of measurement (imperial and metric) in one suggestion. If the suggestion was based on pounds of body weight the protein measurement should also be suggested in pounds and not grams. The suggestion in the textbook was around 0.25lbs/lb/day. Let me be clear, this is not my opinion and is simply what is written in my textbook. For me, weighing 70kg, exceeding 115g of protein per day would be excessive and the excess would be excreted because the body can only process so much protein in one day. Per your suggestion I should be intaking about 150-225g of protein/day. According to the textbook, this excess in caloric intake does not produce additional gains and will only make maintaining a lean state even more difficult as macros must be adjusted accordingly. I know I am a total newbie to this site, but let me reiterate that this is straight out of a textbook and was something that was very surprising to me too. I read your entire article and found it very helpful, except I wanted your opinion on the difference between what you wrote and what is written in my textbook. My opinion is that the point of the difference in systems of measurement (grams per pound) does not make sense from a scientific point of view. I changed my intake to follow the advice of the textbook and found it much easier to stay lean as I gain throughout at cycle. At the level of 1.2g/KG of body weight/day I was still able to gain a solid 20lbs on a 14 week cycle including test (500-700mg/wk) and deca (300mg/week) and ended the cycle at 13%bf. With all due respect, what is your opinion on what is written in my textbook?
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point 4 yes you can use either one proviron is just the pill form of materon
point5 start your hcg the last week of your cycle only take it for three wks 2000iu first shot 5 days later 1500iu then5 days later 1000iu then 5 days later 500iu
When taking the hcg take the femara 1/2 a pill every 3rd day strong stuff since your taking that you wont need the nolva they do the same thing femara just does it alot better but you do need clomid to start taking after you stop your hcg take clomi wk1 150mgs ed wk2 100mgs ed wk 3-4 50mgs ed when done with clomid stop taking femara
point6 clen you can take clen whenever just you can only take it for 3 wks at a time then you have to wait 3 wks to start again or you will burn out your receptors and it wont work does start with 20mcg in the mourn and 20 mcg at lunch and go up from there its up to you how much you can take try not to take it after lunch or you will have trouble sleeping at night
I think if you can end your cycle now and recover then I can help you set up a cycle to reach your goals and so you get everything out of it you should and your moneys worth
check out my site if you order anything order through it and when you want to set up that next cycle let me know we will put it toghther for ya
thats my site you can email me through there and you should order through there.Last edited by Admin; 05-08-2018, 12:29 PM.
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Thanks for the great info! I'm new and unfourtently learning this stuff while almost at the end of my first cycle. (Yes Iknow very stupid, but Iwas trusting someone Iknow when I started and now am doing my own research, better late then never I guess).
This leads me to a couple questions:
Point 4, can one use masteron instead proviron @ 75mg e3d or 50mg eod, all 3 ways comes to 175mg week? Also if one can't get either should they up the amount of nolva? Can femara be used here in place or w/any of these combos? How long should these overlap point 5?
Point 5, am I reading that right hcg @ 5000iu 3 time for a total of 15000? Everything I've read up until now says 5000 total, some say a blast of it like 2000/2000/1000, others say 500 a day for 10 days. When said to start at beginning of discontinuance, when using test e/test c would that mean 14 days after last pin due to long ester?
Point 6, how much and how often of the clen?
I assume all points are ment to be used together and not instead of each other.
Also for a detailed look at my stats/cycle look at my post on last page of the "ask sam" thread in the as forum. (However in that post Iwas talking about doing 4 more weeks and I'm starting to lean towards ending this one, letting my body recover and plan a second cycle much more prepared)
Thanks again for the info/help.
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