I am going to share some personal info with you guys in an attempt to help some of the younger newer members to understand why its important to use AAS correctly and with respect. Its important to come off these drugs to give your internal organs the break they need from the stress of AAS use. It's also to allow your body to return to its natural state of Testosterone production. Long term use of Steriods can and will lead to your body shutting down it's ability to produce testosterone on its own and you'll end up dependant on test replacement therapy the rest of your life. Sounds like the ticket to some doctor prescribed Test doesn't it?? Well there's more to it than that. There's other side effects you can suffer from that will eventually catch you if you don't play by the rules. Like male pattern baldness, I have a cueball for a head now thank you Test Cyp. Also you can become the victim of high blood pressure, which I have. I take meds everyday and my average Blood pressure still reads 150-160 over 85 to 90. Thats with the meds. I've been hospitilized in the past because I got sloppy with my pills and figured i didn't need them. Well a reading of 205 over 158 is no joke and I almost stroked out. I spent 3 days in the ICU for that one. Don't make the mistake of thinking because you look great on the outside that everything inside is great because it isn't. Do the right thing and respect the use of AAS.... take the proper time off from using and follow the proper PCT program. It will go a long way towards a healthy long life...Take it from a guy who thought he had all the answers and whos been there and has the hospital visits to prove it....BE SMART
