Originally posted by infatuation
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Bro, I have serious concerns for your health.
There are things you need to know about steroids and I don't think you've read enough about them or you'd genuinly be having second thoughts about the cycle you're looking at doing so I'll word things basicaly:
Steroids, if not used correctly can be very bad or your health. They're a chemical which is not naturaly found in your body at these levels. You can seriously harm your liver & kidneys. You can drink alcohol or a long period o time but your body will soon give you information to tell you to stop in the way of vomiting, hangover, etc. You will not get this info from your body in time about taking too many or the wrong combination of steroids. It's no good looking great on the outside i you're dieing on the inside.
Ever heard of bitch tits? It's a more common name for gynecomastia. Testosterone is a male hormone, when you have too much of this in your body your body naturaly produces Estrogen (female hormone) to balance things out, with estrogen can come gynecomastia where you can start to grow small breast tissue behind you nipples. This is why we use aromatase inhibitors to help stop this.
You will not instantly notice and side efects from taking steroids and you have no prior experiance rom using steroids, you need to start with the basics (500mg test en EW) and see how your body reacts. Your irst cycle is always one o the best so you need to do it wise , well and do it safe.
Also you need to sort out you Post Cycle Therapy, when you are taking steroids you balls reduce the amount of natural testosterone you would normaly produce as your body has detected a high level of testosterone in your body. When you stop taking steroids your balls need to start producing testosterone at normal levels, this take a long time naturaly so we use PCT methods to help speed this up.