Alright guys so i've taken gear before being the typical guy that shouldn't take it. I took dbol by itself before and winstrol by itself before. I didn't really know too much about either of them so it was obviously a bad idea to take them. So I was researching for a while to do a legit beginners cycle and not mess it up. So what I decided to do was Gy Test Cyp 250 for 10 weeks 500 mgs a week, Gp Stan 50 for 6 weeks at 50 mgs a day and i have 30 days worth of nolvadex at 20mg a day and 30 days worth of clomid at 100mgs a day. But now i'm reading that when i take test i should be taking nolva everyday? Others are just saying go by how you feel? One problem too is that I just ordered this stuff off naps yesterday so i am nervous if i shuold even do the cycle if i don't have enough nolva. I don't know I looked around this forum alot and you guys seem to have alot of experience any help would really be appreciated.
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I think i fucked up my cycle :(
I never use nolva on cycle. It slows gains. BUT have it on hand because if you feel symptoms of gyno you will need to take it til the symptoms go away..... Then you are left with a problem... Not enough nolva for pct. But you don't need to run nolva through your whole cycle, I've never really understood that approach.
But don't beat yourself up over it, it's not a major fuck up. I've seen worse. Saying I did my first shot yesterday can someone plan my cycle... Now that's a fuck up and yes I've heard that question asked.