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Pining Math Question

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  • Pining Math Question

    Going to be purchasing a beginner cutting stack and basic PCT stack from Naps. However, before doing so I checked through the guides and tried to search for the answer to this but couldn't find it.

    The two stacks are dealing with mg and iu, and pins are in mL/cc.
    The guide on here suggested using 3cc barrels.

    I gathered 1 mg = 1 mL/cc on a 3 cc barrel is that correct?
    International units (iu) is 100 units per mL is that correct?

    So what I'm wondering is, if I need to take for instance 100mg of GP Test Prop every other day, and if 1mg = 1cc(or 3 cc's on a 3cc barrel) then that's a whole lot of pining for just the test on one day. Perhaps I'm not understanding something right?

    Lastly, is my the deal with the iu, for instance taking 1500iu of HCG Mon/Fri. Is my math correct in assuming 100iu =1mL & 1 mL = 1 cc? If so, needing 1500iu that day would be 1500/100=15mL=15cc?

    I don't want to assume anything in regards to dosing, and usage so I figured best to ask you vets as I don't really have anyone else to ask. Thank you.

  • #2
    1 iu is 100th of a mL so 100 iu's is 1 mL. Mg is not equal to mL or cc. 100 mg test prop means there is 100 mg in each cc. If you've got a 10 mL vial @ 100mg then the total mg in the vial is 1000mg. 100 mg per each mL/cc. Your math seems correct but I can't say on the hcg dosing. 15 cc's a day seems like a lot to me but then again I've never ran it so [emoji847] Hope that helps

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    • #3
      The mg's per cc/mL is located on the vial. For instance, Testosterone Cypionate is usually 250mg's per cc/mL. So in one cc/mL of Testosterone Cypionate, there is 250mg's of testosterone. As for a insulin pin 1iu is equal to 10 units on the insulin pin, 2iu's is equal to 20 units and so on and so on, I think you can see where this is going. 100 units on the slin pin is also equal to 1cc/1mL.

      Senior Member
      Last edited by MrBig; 01-22-2017, 07:26 AM.
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      • #4
        Awesome information gentleman. I appreciate all the information and I'm feeling a lot more comfortable about dosing when pining.


        • #5
          Just to confirm then from what was posted. If I need to dose 1500 iu and are utilizing the slim 0-100 units. I would need to pin 5 times ( five of the 100 unit syringes) to get my 1500 iu for the HCG, as each syringe of that size is 100 units each, correct?

          Second, if I'm needing a dose of 100mg of GP Test 100, meaning 100 mg should be in each cc and if utilizing a 3 mL/cc barrel or 1 mL/cc insulin pin that shows mL/cc, meaning mL to cc ration is equal, then I would need just 1mL of the 3 mL/cc barrel, or the full 1mL of the insulin pin, correct?

          If so, then I believe I'm good to go.


          • #6
            No, it depends on how many IU/cc. there are many different measurements. Take a look at what you have, that will tell you how many IU's you will need to do. For example, if your HCG has 1500IU/cc/mL then you will need to do 1cc/mL per day. If your HCG has 3000IU/cc/mL, then you would do 1/2cc/mL per day. Take a look at this, here are some brands that Naps carries.
            Senior Member
            Last edited by MrBig; 01-28-2017, 08:17 AM.
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            • #7
              I'm just going to have to wait and see what I get then and what it says on it. I got the basic PCT stack for after my cycle, and the details state " 2x Pregnyl HCG 10,000iu." So I'm not sure how many iu in that amp would be per mL/cc yet without looking at it. I tried looking at the brands, but it doesn't list a Pregnyl brand with 10,000iu so i guess it's specific to the PCT stack. I could have looked at the other brands, but don't want to assume they are the same just because they say 10,000iu on it. I'm not knowledgeable enough yet to know if they would be similar per mL/cc or not.


              • #8
                Usually 1 amp is one cc, your getting 2 x 1cc and there 10,000iu/cc. So you will be getting 1000IU's per IU. This is a little hard to understand, but you have to remember you mix your HCG with Bacteriostatic water, so your get water and HCG in that 1IU. If this is the case and you would like to do 1500IU's per day. You will need to do 1.5IU's or 15units per day.
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