Originally posted by SAFELIFE1
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Biggest mistakes first time users make
Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none.
Originally posted by -Guido- View PostI swear, everyone where I live that has or is using gear except for myself has never heard of Anti-Estrogens and has no clue about Post Cycle Therapy. When you try to explain things to them they don't want to hear it. Then they wonder why the always lose their gains, why they have sore nipples, why they are bloated, and why their testes have shrank and their dick is malfunctioning horribly.love it.. great thread..reveals all mistakes we made, especially the old guys, like Omni said before the internet there was very little good information and much misinformation. Dans underground info was revolutionairy.
Big, maybe bigger mistake for a first user is to don't do blood tests BEFORE using anything...of course all people usingt something must do blood tests.
I think it's very important to do blood tests before the use of any anti-estrogen, sometime it's totally useless if not counter-productive...
grate post hopefully i wont do any of the things mentioned above because iv done alot of research and reading into it, also when im ready for my 1st cycle im sure one of you guys will help me out, and about dino post about blood tests is that right? and would i have to go to my G.P for that or can you buy like a home test kit? (im in england if it makes a dif)
Common necessary blood tests are the lipid profile and liver panel. The livel panel is only necessary when using orals, as they can be particularly hard on the liver. A cycle or two won't cause chronic problems with your lipid profile, but longer term users of AAS need to keep an eye on cholesterol levels as AAS can cause problems that will impact your health over time.