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Thinking about Roids

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  • Thinking about Roids

    in college i was lifting daily and got very strong for my body type and size. i'm now mid-aged, 5' 10" 145 thin but with some definition and abs. i look skinny and get NO respect at all even though i was university boxing champ. i still work out on the heavy bag and lift but it's depressing because i see muscled up guys EVERYWHERE and even when i was a gym rat could never put on much muscle. so, i've decided to get some roids and take half dosages and see how it goes. i'm considering the "beginner 1" plan from onlineroids .

    does anyone have any experience with this outfit and or this product?


  • #2
    Howe many ounces of meat do u eat every meal how many grams of proteins carbs and fats do u get everyday? What r the total calories u eat eat per day? If u can't answer these cloaely off the top of your head then your cycle won't be as good as u want it to.... first cycle 3-500mgs testosterone weekly for 8-12 weeks with an AI and proper PCT u need to read enough to know these abbreviations and what I am talking about.
    Not trying to b a douche but u need to know this stuff before do I ng it I wish I would've learn to diet properly before I started I was a good 200 lbs about 20% body fat good luck

