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  • New Member

    HI all, new to the forums, not new to bodybuilding and performance training. I'm 52 years old, 5' 9", currently 205lbs,, 15% bf. I recently retired from the Army "Combat Arms", after 32 years. I was in a physically demanding job that required a high level of performance. So over the years even though I lifted frequently, and hard because I was required to so much endurance/cardio as well as combatives training I was never really able to put on any size. So now that I'm retired and not really working, I've been bombing the gym hard. I'm focusing on building size and strength, especially now that I don't have so many other physical requirements.

    Because of the demand for performance over the years, I've used AAS to help performance and recovery, so I'm not new to cycling. I've been reading the forums for years and have learned a lot. But now that I'm focused I'm going to exploiting this asset heavily.

  • #2
    Welcome to the board Namor.
    The Rules At Juiced Muscle (everyone please read)!!!
    Chat Box Talk And Rules
    No Soliciting Websites In Your Signatures

    Do not mistake my kindness for weakness!


    • #3
      Welcome to JM brother


      • #4
        Welcome to the JM family brother.Great to hear from you.

        Retired MEU of over 24 yrs here brother so I can fully relate to your situation.Stick to it brother,you'll get to where you want to be.Key to it all is diet and exercise man.Cycling is a supplement to these other things.

        You'll be surprised how many people I helped fine tune their diet's especially and their training to make progress where they've failed before even with the use of gear.

        Stick around and read up man.Lots of great and knowledgeable people here to help guid you in the right direction.


        • #5
          Welcome Namor good to have you my advice listen to all these guys they know what they are doing. Mr. Big, F.I.S.T.,cmonster all had good words and advice for me, I appreciate everyone on thses boards that help!! Oh and make sure you read up it did help me a lot, took me a little while to figure out how to find what I needed to read up on but man there is some good info I read on this site a lot every night!! Anyway welcome bro!!!
          GO HARD OR GO HOME!!!



          • #6
            @ F.I.S.T. Leatherneck! Nice. Funny since I've retired I have been doing contract work. Most of it training and almost always with Marines. Getting ready to support a MARSOC urban exercise here in the next few weeks. I did a little work with them in Okinawa. But that was the extent of it while on active duty. Then my lifting partner was a Leatherneck at my last active duty assignment. He convinced me I had wasted 32 years in the wrong branch. Lol. Stand up guy. I might have to take you up on the twee king the diet thing. I've been cycling hard this last year and can't get above 205. I've gottenstrong as hell. Busted every PR and then some look better than ever but just stalled on putting on anymore size.
            Junior Member
            Last edited by Namor; 03-31-2015, 05:27 AM.


            • #7
              Welcome fellow gym animal


              • #8
                Nice to see you at JM, bro! Awaiting great things from you!


                • #9
                  Hello I am James Cook, I am new in this forum. I am the fitness expert in Ottawa. I am here to make friends and discuss about various workouts, exercises and diet plans which helps the community.

                  The name Of my fitness centre is AP Fitness.

