Hello Everyone, I'm really excited I found this forum. A little about me. I'm 36 y/o, 5'5", about 178lbs. I have been training regularly for about 15 years now. I never really had any experience with gear in those years. Tried a little D-bol and deca back in my early 20's, but that's about it. I came here to learn from the veterans on this board and get advice on things. Hopefully, I can become a contributing member. I decided to give the gear a try and am currently running a Test Prop/Winny Cycle. 100mg's eod with 40mg of Winny ED along with .5mg of an AI EOD. I'm about 3/4 of the way through the cycle. Loving the results so far. My PCT consists of Nolva 40/20/20/10. In hindsight, I should have gone with the Test E. Those first few injections were PAINFUL. Any advice or criticism would be helpful. Thank You.
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Hey Booger, welcome to the board. Test Enathate is good but a lot of guys see a little more results from Test Cypionate. Test Prop gives a lot of guys PIP anyway, it's kinda know for that. It hits me hard when I pin my quads.The Rules At Juiced Muscle (everyone please read)
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