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    Hey everyone, im new to the thread, and would like to join in the juicing trend going around.

    I am a 6'2 21 year old male, and i weigh about 140. Id really love to gain about 40-50 pounds of muscle weight ideally, but idk where to start. OR what to start with. Nothing else has seemed to work, and im starting to get desperate.

  • #2
    You are 6'2" and only weigh 140! I would say start by eating everything in sight! You have to have a surplus of calories before you can ever build any muscle. Taking gear will not do it without the food.


    • #3
      Brother, as blueflame said, you need to EAT! You shouldn't even be thinking about gear at this stage of the game, not to mention you're a little young. I'd start eating BIG for a couple years before you consider AAS.

      A buddy of mine is like you, tall and skinny (he is 6'4'' and 168 lbs). He has been literally eating 5000+ calories daily to gain weight. I know you might think you are eating enough, but I really doubt you are. This isn't an insult, but really take a close look at your diet. You need to eat big to get big.


      • #4
        Originally posted by lake2010 View Post
        Hey everyone, im new to the thread, and would like to join in the juicing trend going around.
        I am a 6'2 21 year old male, and i weigh about 140. Id really love to gain about 40-50 pounds of muscle weight ideally, but idk where to start. OR what to start with. Nothing else has seemed to work, and im starting to get desperate.
        -For us Dude it's not a trend it is a way of Life.

        @ 21 u have a shit load of Testosterone + GH already flowing, just learn how to benefit from it....Hit the weights - consistently it takes time (years).
        + as has been already stated u need to eat, Eat + EAT - u may even wish to add 1 of those weight gainer shakes -( the ones with a shitload of calories, carbs + protein).

        Believe it or not many of us (who r big) struggle to stay or get lean, so ur @ a good point to grow lean muscle.
        "GYM + JUICE"


        • #5
          So how long you been living in Ethiopia... Brother No juice for you.. You need food and a good work out. Your body will do the rest.
          Building my self for a better tomorrow.


          • #6
            Here's my famous saying, "eat like a bird....look like a bird, eat like an animal....look like an animal".

            The biggest most common mistake that guys make is they ALWAYS think there eating enough. Once they calculate there calories, there amazed of how little they're actually eating! Eat big brother!!!!
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            • #7
              when you say nothing else has worked what exactly do you mean. Tell us about yourself in terms of what you've done training and diet wise. If we can get a good idea of your experiences it would be a lot easier to help. don't tell us what you think sounds good, the more honest you are in your response the better the feedback youll get.

