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From parts unknown!

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  • From parts unknown!

    Hi everyone. I'm 48 6ft 215lbs been lifting off and on most of my life. The last 3 years I have been lifting pretty steady 4 days a week. So I have a good base of muscle.
    Just had blood work done and my test is 501 seems low to me.(300-1000)Doc said it was normal. Been on BP meds for 10 years and now he wants to add Cholesterol meds.(LDL 150)I have a pretty good diet and get cardio in along with the weight training. Blamed it on genetics as other family members have similar issues.
    meal plan is....
    730 am Im eating 2 whole eggs plus 3 more egg whites with a cup of oatmeat
    945am 1 can tuna and 2 rice cakes
    12pm 6oz tilapia with cup brown rice
    230pm natural PB on whole wheat with 1 scoop of shake.
    445pm preworkout
    5pm workout
    630ish post shake
    Sometime after 7pm meal with family.Could be anything..

    Just wondering what your input is if I want to try some test....

  • #2
    I take it your not juice'n? I would say check into how the body can catabolic a bit over night, You might hit a late and early morn, shake or some eggs to ward this off. If your havin trouble with Cholesterol trash your yolks. I only eat em if I get one fallin out on separation and if two do then get the spoon and go fish (no more than four a week). What are you wanting to do as far as BB? you should really up your proteins. try upin your carbs half hour to fourtyfive min. before workout and you might feel more energy in the gym.


    • #3
      Thanks Exothermic, I do have a shake in the morning some days or I have BCAA drink. I keep carbs low cuz I can put fat on pretty easy.Mainly looking to add more size.Im just not sure if that's possible with my current Test levels.How will Test react with my current prescriptions is the info I'm looking for.

