Ive been researching and it is so overwhelming. I want to start a cycle for these reasons: to cut and trim fat, to lean out, to gain muscle definition. I am a female 5'10'' and 170lb with BF of 23%. I was really athletic till I got into a bad car accident. I am basically starting all over. I have medical background. I don't care if I become more masculine. Please Help.
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With all due respect, steroids will not lose the fat for you. Diet and exercise is the way to go. If you're set on taking something, perhaps you could take a cycle of T3/Clen. These will assist in weight/fat loss. If you're still dead set on using an anabolic compound after that, a lot of women choose to start with 10mg of anavar (oxandrolone) a day. If you choose to use 10mg anavar/day I'd split the dose into 5mg in the morning, and 5 mg in the evening.
I'm a guy though, and by no means an expert. I do however know women that have run anavar @ 10mg/day with great results. Anavar is a mild steroid, and I believe you have a lower chance of getting those masculine side effects. Again, I'm not an expert so waiting for more experienced feedback might be in your best interest.
Best regards and welcome!
Well for a female a BF between 13-17% is pretty aestethic, but its a long hard road to go. Wouldn't even think of using t3 or anavar on that level. Do some RHT and get your diet on track, then add some cardio (nothing hotter then chicks in yogapants on stairmasters) 5 times a week for about 30min and your good to go. I would suggest to add some Clen for the icing on the cake, AAS dont do the job for you, but dieting isnt as hard as all the fat people say
Greetz from germany
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