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As-salamu Alaykum

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  • As-salamu Alaykum

    Hey everyone,

    My name's As'ad. I've been lifting for years (about 10, but 7-8 seriously). I'm currently about 5-6 days into my first cycle.

    Test E @ 500mg/week
    Aromasin @ 12.5mg/day (taken daily due to being gyno prone)
    HCG @ 1000iu&week (split into 2x 500 iu doses)

    Clomid: 100/50/50/20
    Nolva: 20/20/20/20

    Glad to be here with you folks.

  • #2
    Hello As'ad, I am new here to but welcome aboard, On the test are you runnin 500 x1/wk or are u doing 250 x/2wk? twice a wk will keep your levels more stable. you should consider runnin the nolva through out the cycle & pct, it would be good for blockin what gets converted and head it off at the receptors site.


    • #3
      Welcome to the forum. However I do not agree with you Exothermic about the use of Nolva during cycle. Save it for PCT. Do not want to kill out all Estrogen it is needed to help you grow. You will know if you do because you will feel like death = no energy, weak, ect. The aromasin is more than enough AI.
      Go Hard Or Stay Home!!


      • #4
        nolva is an oral preparation containing the substance Tamoxifen.

        This product is most often referred to as "Nolvadex" by bodybuilders. Nolvadex is not a steroid, rather a selective estrogen blocker. While Nolvadex doesn't prevent the buildup of estrogen in the body, it does prevent it from acting on certain receptors, most notably, those located in the nipples. This has obvious benefits to bodybuilders, because this is the area in which "gyno" occurs during the use of aromatizing steroids such as testosterone.
        Last edited by EXOTHERMIC; 10-19-2013, 03:00 PM.


        • #5
          My studies have come up with nova not being a estrogen blocker in the sense that it prevents the production, but it blocks what estrogen you do have from interacting with receptors that you don't want receiving it. so while you do want some estrogen this would be a backup to prevent interaction at da ta ta's ...A beneficial side effect of tamoxifen is that it prevents bone loss by acting as an estrogen receptor agonist (i.e., mimicking the effects of estrogen) in this cell type. Therefore, by inhibiting osteoclasts, it prevents osteoporosis. When tamoxifen was launched as a drug, it was thought that tamoxifen would act as an estrogen receptor antagonist in all tissue, including bone, and therefore it was feared that it would contribute to osteoporosis. It was therefore very surprising that the opposite effect was observed clinically. Hence tamoxifen's tissue selective action directly led to the formulation of the concept of selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs
          Last edited by EXOTHERMIC; 10-19-2013, 02:58 PM.


          • #6
            Welcome to JM brother. As you can see, there is a lot of useful information here along with good, friendly, and knowledgable people to bounce ideas off of. great group of men and women here. Some may give you advice and some may flat out tell you you are wrong or you need to switch things up. My advice- make sure you do your homework and do what is right for you. Your first cycles you will have to find your sweet spot in regard to your AIs- you may feel a little all over the place but once you have it dialed in you will know.

            I think your cycle looks great the way it is.

            may be beneficial for you to write a cycle log and track your progress. this is your first cycle so it will benefit to get the most out of what this forum has to offer.

            "Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind, and nourish with repetition and emotion, will one day become reality."

            NapsGear.Org - The Largest and Most Trusted!


            • #7
              Originally posted by EXOTHERMIC View Post
              Hello As'ad, I am new here to but welcome aboard, On the test are you runnin 500 x1/wk or are u doing 250 x/2wk? twice a wk will keep your levels more stable. you should consider runnin the nolva through out the cycle & pct, it would be good for blockin what gets converted and head it off at the receptors site.
              Thanks for the warm welcome! Currently I've doing 500mg 1x a week. I'll give 2x a week a try as you suggested though! Thanks for the suggestion, I gladly welcome any and all advice. I've got enough nolva to run it alongside aromasin, but as of now I'm saving it in case gyno symptoms begin to develop. I also have a pack of letro as my emergency go to gyno killer. Thanks again for the welcome and the advice!

              Originally posted by bigpa View Post
              Welcome to the forum. However I do not agree with you Exothermic about the use of Nolva during cycle. Save it for PCT. Do not want to kill out all Estrogen it is needed to help you grow. You will know if you do because you will feel like death = no energy, weak, ect. The aromasin is more than enough AI.
              Thanks for the warm welcome! I'll save the nolva and hold onto it for PCT or in case gyno symptoms begin to occur. I know I'm gyno prone (or was). I was very heavy in my youth, and I already had to have gyno surgery once. I'd like that to be avoided at all costs (another reason why I'm taking the aromasin everyday instead of EOD or E3D). Thanks again!

              Originally posted by Nature101 View Post
              Welcome to JM brother. As you can see, there is a lot of useful information here along with good, friendly, and knowledgable people to bounce ideas off of. great group of men and women here. Some may give you advice and some may flat out tell you you are wrong or you need to switch things up. My advice- make sure you do your homework and do what is right for you. Your first cycles you will have to find your sweet spot in regard to your AIs- you may feel a little all over the place but once you have it dialed in you will know.

              I think your cycle looks great the way it is.

              may be beneficial for you to write a cycle log and track your progress. this is your first cycle so it will benefit to get the most out of what this forum has to offer.

              Thanks for the warm welcome bro! I'm glad to hear positive feedback about my cycle of choice. To be quite honest, I hate needles, but I'm not willing to sacrifice my health to skip it. I've been researching for a few years before I decided to jump on this cycle, and I've read many posts about dumb kids that are determined to do an oral only cycle even when they are advised against it. I'll be sure to take your advice and see what feels right for me. I'm loving this community, and all the helpful advice, feedback, etc.

              I know realistically, I won't fix all my problems from one cycle. My main problem is, I went from 300 lbs to 168 lbs in about a year or less (I realize looking back that I let this weight come off way to fast). Due to the fast weight loss, there was an issue of loose skin. I ate and trained for 6-7 years after that and grew to 225 (sitting at 215 now) I always assumed I was fatter than I was (due to the skin), and decided to have a full blood panel and fat check through my physician. I've grown a lot (50+ lbs) in these last years, and I still have a ways to go.

              Anyway, thanks for the feedback and the warm welcomes guys! If any of you are interested in my cycle, it'll be posted here.



              • #8
                Thanks for sharing useful information.

