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  • Hello everyone!

    Well wanted to say hey to everyone and decided to join juiced muscle for various positive reasons, learning mainly.
    Ill start by posting some stats and what I will be doing and looking for.
    Age- 26. Recently
    Height - 6'2"
    Weight - 181. - went up from 167 naturally this year. Wasn't eating much before ...
    Bf - 15%

    I just placed my order today and my cycle will be basic to see how my body responds to this gear.
    Test cyp 250. Will pin twice a week at 500mg a week for 10 weeks
    300mg on week 11
    200 mg on week 12 last week, followed by 2 weeks of ancillaries.
    Ancillaries will consist of .25mg of arimidex eod throughout the 14 weeks
    Clomid 50mg Eod on cycle. 50mg Ed on week 12, 100mg Ed on week 13 and 50mg Ed on week 14
    Fincar 1.25 mg every day for the 14 weeks.
    Extras: Saw palmetto extract and 2-3G of vitamin c per day. Glutamine during workout and before bed.
    Been putting this off for a while while I did some research, avoided getting dbol just to keep things simple and see how my body reacts to test cyp alone.
    I will make a new post once my gear arrives and have weekly updates and pics.
    Minimum goal weight is 210 at 10% bf.
    anyways before I end up writing a book, looking forward to this and really excited!!
    Junior Member
    Last edited by Medic68; 07-06-2013, 05:09 PM.

  • #2
    Welcome to the boards. This is a great place for info and good people. Looks like your in tune with whats going on. Just go over the rules
    so you dont get banned. Be best to edit

    Good luck and welcome.
    Time Bandit
    Senior Member
    Last edited by Time Bandit; 07-06-2013, 05:39 PM.
    Building my self for a better tomorrow.


    • #3
      Will do and ya would have been a good idea to proof read lol
      Thanks Bandit


      • #4
        Cool deal bro.
        Building my self for a better tomorrow.


        • #5
          Welcome to the boards. This is a good example of a well thought out first cycle. Have you put your diet together yet? Let us know if you have and give us your macros if anything. Looks like you are trying to gain about 30lbs. Great goal! Just keep in mind that after pct we dont keep all gains. Especially on cyp only. Realistically if u gain 30 while on cycle you can expect 50-65% of your over all gains after pct. My last cycle i gained 39 lbs and after pct and as i stand now i made an actual 23 lb increase. And that cycle was 20 wk test E, NPP, and dbol. Just food for your thought.
          "Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind, and nourish with repetition and emotion, will one day become reality."

          NapsGear.Org - The Largest and Most Trusted!


          • #6
            Welcome, these guys know there stuff. LISTEN.


            • #7
              Thanks everyone. Ya still placing meals together to meet the macro needs while avoiding any processed foods and unnecessary junk. My macros that I'm thinking of starting with will consist of 3200 calories being 336g carbs/ 200g protein/ 71g fats per day split into 4 or 5 meals. Ya I read before while I cycle off not to hit the gym as intense while cycling. Prob switch from 6 times a week to 4. What y'all think?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Medic68 View Post
                Thanks everyone. Ya still placing meals together to meet the macro needs while avoiding any processed foods and unnecessary junk. My macros that I'm thinking of starting with will consist of 3200 calories being 336g carbs/ 200g protein/ 71g fats per day split into 4 or 5 meals. Ya I read before while I cycle off not to hit the gym as intense while cycling. Prob switch from 6 times a week to 4. What y'all think?
                Welcome to the forum brother, 3200 calories don't sound like enough if your shootin for 210lbs.
                The Rules At Juiced Muscle (everyone please read)
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                Do not mistake my kindness for weakness!


                • #9
                  I dont gain any weight if i dont eat 4,700 or more calories aday
                  Even with gear


                  • #10
                    I agree to both Big L and MrBig- you need more food. If u want 210- You need 5k cals a day brotha. Eat big to get big. I found that my sweet spot was 4600 cals. Im going to be upping that this cycle im about to start. Your protien shpuld be higher in my opinion. 1.5- 2g of protien per lb of body weight will yield results. Carbs are on the high end but seriously- eat everything and anything you can. Go easy on the sweets ( most of us have a cheat meal somewhere during the week to keep us somewhat sane) and easy on the refined/processed foods. You will find that you wont gain much from just injecting 2cc of test without food. That liquid will not put on lbs- eating really heavy is the key ( i know from expirence- i always ate like 3200 and my gains were minimal till i upped to 5k)
                    "Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind, and nourish with repetition and emotion, will one day become reality."

                    NapsGear.Org - The Largest and Most Trusted!


                    • #11
                      This makes me think that come the fall Im going for the 5,000 mark on intake. A little less lean and adding a few fats to the meals.

                      Eat BIG get BIG
                      Building my self for a better tomorrow.


                      • #12
                        Gotcha will up my calories to the mid 4k calories and reconfigure my macros a bit. Will be nice to finally get passed over 200 for once in my life. Thanks y'all.

